Source code for qupulse.pulses.pulse_template

"""This module defines the abstract PulseTemplate class which is the basis of any
pulse model in the qupulse.

    - PulseTemplate: Represents the parametrized general structure of a pulse.
    - AtomicPulseTemplate: PulseTemplate that does imply any control flow disruptions and can be
        directly translated into a waveform.
from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import Dict, Tuple, Set, Optional, Union, List, Callable, Any, Generic, TypeVar, Mapping
import itertools
import collections
from numbers import Real

from qupulse.utils.types import ChannelID, DocStringABCMeta
from qupulse.serialization import Serializable
from qupulse.expressions import ExpressionScalar, Expression
from qupulse._program._loop import Loop, to_waveform
from qupulse._program.transformation import Transformation, IdentityTransformation, ChainedTransformation, chain_transformations

from qupulse.pulses.conditions import Condition
from qupulse.pulses.parameters import Parameter, ConstantParameter, ParameterNotProvidedException
from qupulse.pulses.sequencing import Sequencer, SequencingElement, InstructionBlock
from qupulse._program.waveforms import Waveform, TransformingWaveform
from qupulse.pulses.measurement import MeasurementDefiner, MeasurementDeclaration

__all__ = ["PulseTemplate", "AtomicPulseTemplate", "DoubleParameterNameException", "MappingTuple"]

MappingTuple = Union[Tuple['PulseTemplate'],
                     Tuple['PulseTemplate', Dict],
                     Tuple['PulseTemplate', Dict, Dict],
                     Tuple['PulseTemplate', Dict, Dict, Dict]]

[docs]class PulseTemplate(Serializable, SequencingElement, metaclass=DocStringABCMeta): """A PulseTemplate represents the parametrized general structure of a pulse. A PulseTemplate described a pulse in an abstract way: It defines the structure of a pulse but might leave some timings or voltage levels undefined, thus declaring parameters. This allows to reuse a PulseTemplate for several pulses which have the same overall structure and differ only in concrete values for the parameters. Obtaining an actual pulse which can be executed by specifying values for these parameters is called instantiation of the PulseTemplate and achieved by invoking the sequencing process. """ def __init__(self, *, identifier: Optional[str]) -> None: super().__init__(identifier=identifier) @property @abstractmethod def parameter_names(self) -> Set[str]: """The set of names of parameters required to instantiate this PulseTemplate.""" @property @abstractmethod def measurement_names(self) -> Set[str]: """The set of measurement identifiers in this pulse template.""" @property @abstractmethod def is_interruptable(self) -> bool: """Return true, if this PulseTemplate contains points at which it can halt if interrupted. """ @property @abstractmethod def duration(self) -> ExpressionScalar: """An expression for the duration of this PulseTemplate.""" @property @abstractmethod def defined_channels(self) -> Set['ChannelID']: """Returns the number of hardware output channels this PulseTemplate defines.""" @property def num_channels(self) -> int: """The number of channels this PulseTemplate defines""" return len(self.defined_channels) def __matmul__(self, other: Union['PulseTemplate', MappingTuple]) -> 'SequencePulseTemplate': """This method enables using the @-operator (intended for matrix multiplication) for concatenating pulses. If one of the pulses is a SequencePulseTemplate the other pulse gets merged into it""" from qupulse.pulses.sequence_pulse_template import SequencePulseTemplate return SequencePulseTemplate.concatenate(self, other) def __rmatmul__(self, other: MappingTuple) -> 'SequencePulseTemplate': from qupulse.pulses.sequence_pulse_template import SequencePulseTemplate return SequencePulseTemplate.concatenate(other, self) @property @abstractmethod def integral(self) -> Dict[ChannelID, ExpressionScalar]: """Returns an expression giving the integral over the pulse."""
[docs] def create_program(self, *, parameters: Optional[Mapping[str, Union[Parameter, float, Expression, str, Real]]]=None, measurement_mapping: Optional[Mapping[str, Optional[str]]]=None, channel_mapping: Optional[Mapping[ChannelID, Optional[ChannelID]]]=None, global_transformation: Optional[Transformation]=None, to_single_waveform: Set[Union[str, 'PulseTemplate']]=None) -> Optional['Loop']: """Translates this PulseTemplate into a program Loop. The returned Loop represents the PulseTemplate with all parameter values instantiated provided as dictated by the parameters argument. Optionally, channels and measurements defined in the PulseTemplate can be renamed/mapped via the channel_mapping and measurement_mapping arguments. Args: parameters: A mapping of parameter names to Parameter objects. measurement_mapping: A mapping of measurement window names. Windows that are mapped to None are omitted. channel_mapping: A mapping of channel names. Channels that are mapped to None are omitted. global_transformation: This transformation is applied to every waveform to_single_waveform: A set of pulse templates (or identifiers) which are directly translated to a waveform. This might change how transformations are applied. TODO: clarify Returns: A Loop object corresponding to this PulseTemplate. """ if parameters is None: parameters = dict() if measurement_mapping is None: measurement_mapping = {name: name for name in self.measurement_names} if channel_mapping is None: channel_mapping = dict() if to_single_waveform is None: to_single_waveform = set() # make sure all channels are mapped complete_channel_mapping = {channel: channel for channel in self.defined_channels} complete_channel_mapping.update(channel_mapping) non_unique_targets = {channel for channel, count in collections.Counter(channel_mapping.values()).items() if count > 1 and channel is not None} if non_unique_targets: raise ValueError('The following channels are mapped to twice', non_unique_targets) # make sure all values in the parameters dict are of type Parameter parameters = {key: value if isinstance(value, Parameter) else ConstantParameter(value) for key, value in parameters.items()} root_loop = Loop() # call subclass specific implementation self._create_program(parameters=parameters, measurement_mapping=measurement_mapping, channel_mapping=complete_channel_mapping, global_transformation=global_transformation, to_single_waveform=to_single_waveform, parent_loop=root_loop) if root_loop.waveform is None and len(root_loop.children) == 0: return None # return None if no program return root_loop
@abstractmethod def _internal_create_program(self, *, parameters: Dict[str, Parameter], measurement_mapping: Dict[str, Optional[str]], channel_mapping: Dict[ChannelID, Optional[ChannelID]], global_transformation: Optional[Transformation], to_single_waveform: Set[Union[str, 'PulseTemplate']], parent_loop: Loop) -> None: """The subclass specific implementation of create_program(). Receives a Loop instance parent_loop to which it should append measurements and its own Loops as children. Subclasses should not overwrite create_program() directly but provide their implementation here. This method is called by create_program(). Implementations should not call create_program() of any subtemplates to obtain Loop objects for them but call subtemplate._internal_create_program() instead, providing an adequate parent_loop object to which the subtemplate will append. Implementations must make sure not to append invalid Loop objects (no waveform or no children). In case of an error (e.g. invalid measurement mapping, missing parameters, violated parameter constraints, etc), implementations of this method must throw an adequate exception. They do not have to ensure that the parent_loop remains unchanged in this case.""" def _create_program(self, *, parameters: Dict[str, Parameter], measurement_mapping: Dict[str, Optional[str]], channel_mapping: Dict[ChannelID, Optional[ChannelID]], global_transformation: Optional[Transformation], to_single_waveform: Set[Union[str, 'PulseTemplate']], parent_loop: Loop): """Generic part of create program. This method handles to_single_waveform and the configuration of the transformer.""" if self.identifier in to_single_waveform or self in to_single_waveform: root = Loop() self._internal_create_program(parameters=parameters, measurement_mapping=measurement_mapping, channel_mapping=channel_mapping, global_transformation=None, to_single_waveform=to_single_waveform, parent_loop=root) waveform = to_waveform(root) if global_transformation: waveform = TransformingWaveform(waveform, global_transformation) # convert the nicely formatted measurement windows back into the old format again :( measurements = root.get_measurement_windows() measurement_window_list = [] for measurement_name, (begins, lengths) in measurements.items(): measurement_window_list.extend(zip(itertools.repeat(measurement_name), begins, lengths)) parent_loop.add_measurements(measurement_window_list) parent_loop.append_child(waveform=waveform) else: self._internal_create_program(parameters=parameters, measurement_mapping=measurement_mapping, channel_mapping=channel_mapping, to_single_waveform=to_single_waveform, global_transformation=global_transformation, parent_loop=parent_loop)
[docs]class AtomicPulseTemplate(PulseTemplate, MeasurementDefiner): """A PulseTemplate that does not imply any control flow disruptions and can be directly translated into a waveform. Implies that no AtomicPulseTemplate object is interruptable. """ def __init__(self, *, identifier: Optional[str], measurements: Optional[List[MeasurementDeclaration]]): PulseTemplate.__init__(self, identifier=identifier) MeasurementDefiner.__init__(self, measurements=measurements)
[docs] def is_interruptable(self) -> bool: return False
@property def atomicity(self) -> bool: return True measurement_names = MeasurementDefiner.measurement_names
[docs] def build_sequence(self, sequencer: Sequencer, parameters: Dict[str, Parameter], conditions: Dict[str, Condition], measurement_mapping: Dict[str, Optional[str]], channel_mapping: Dict[ChannelID, Optional[ChannelID]], instruction_block: InstructionBlock) -> None: parameters = {parameter_name: parameter_value.get_value() for parameter_name, parameter_value in parameters.items() if parameter_name in self.parameter_names} waveform = self.build_waveform(parameters=parameters, channel_mapping=channel_mapping) if waveform: measurements = self.get_measurement_windows(parameters=parameters, measurement_mapping=measurement_mapping) instruction_block.add_instruction_meas(measurements) instruction_block.add_instruction_exec(waveform)
def _internal_create_program(self, *, parameters: Dict[str, Parameter], measurement_mapping: Dict[str, Optional[str]], channel_mapping: Dict[ChannelID, Optional[ChannelID]], global_transformation: Optional[Transformation], to_single_waveform: Set[Union[str, 'PulseTemplate']], parent_loop: Loop) -> None: """Parameter constraints are validated in build_waveform because build_waveform is guaranteed to be called during sequencing""" ### current behavior (same as previously): only adds EXEC Loop and measurements if a waveform exists. ### measurements are directly added to parent_loop (to reflect behavior of Sequencer + MultiChannelProgram) # todo (2018-08-08): could move measurements into own Loop object? # todo (2018-07-05): why are parameter constraints not validated here? try: parameters = {parameter_name: parameters[parameter_name].get_value() for parameter_name in self.parameter_names} except KeyError as e: raise ParameterNotProvidedException(str(e)) from e waveform = self.build_waveform(parameters=parameters, channel_mapping=channel_mapping) if waveform: measurements = self.get_measurement_windows(parameters=parameters, measurement_mapping=measurement_mapping) if global_transformation: waveform = TransformingWaveform(waveform, global_transformation) parent_loop.add_measurements(measurements=measurements) parent_loop.append_child(waveform=waveform)
[docs] @abstractmethod def build_waveform(self, parameters: Dict[str, Real], channel_mapping: Dict[ChannelID, Optional[ChannelID]]) -> Optional[Waveform]: """Translate this PulseTemplate into a waveform according to the given parameters. Subclasses of AtomicPulseTemplate must check for ParameterConstraintViolation errors in their build_waveform implementation and raise corresponding exceptions. Args: parameters (Dict(str -> Parameter)): A mapping of parameter names to real numbers. channel_mapping (Dict(ChannelID -> ChannelID): A mapping of Channel IDs Returns: Waveform object represented by this PulseTemplate object or None, if this object does not represent a valid waveform of finite length. """
[docs]class DoubleParameterNameException(Exception): def __init__(self, templateA: PulseTemplate, templateB: PulseTemplate, names: Set[str]) -> None: super().__init__() self.templateA = templateA self.templateB = templateB self.names = names def __str__(self) -> str: return "Cannot concatenate pulses '{}' and '{}' with a default parameter mapping. " \ "Both define the following parameter names: {}".format( self.templateA, self.templateB, ', '.join(self.names) )