Source code for qupulse.pulses.arithmetic_pulse_template

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Set, Optional, Union, Mapping, FrozenSet, cast, Callable
from numbers import Real
import warnings

import sympy
import cached_property

from qupulse.expressions import ExpressionScalar, ExpressionLike
from qupulse.serialization import Serializer, PulseRegistryType
from qupulse.parameter_scope import Scope

from qupulse.utils.types import ChannelID
from qupulse.pulses.measurement import MeasurementWindow
from qupulse.pulses.pulse_template import AtomicPulseTemplate, PulseTemplate
from qupulse._program.waveforms import Waveform, ArithmeticWaveform, TransformingWaveform
from qupulse._program.transformation import Transformation, ScalingTransformation, OffsetTransformation,\

def _apply_operation_to_channel_dict(operator: str,
                                     lhs: Mapping[ChannelID, Any],
                                     rhs: Mapping[ChannelID, Any]) -> Dict[ChannelID, Any]:
    result = dict(lhs)
    for channel, rhs_value in rhs.items():
        if channel in result:
            result[channel] = ArithmeticWaveform.operator_map[operator](result[channel], rhs_value)
            result[channel] = ArithmeticWaveform.rhs_only_map[operator](rhs_value)
    return result

[docs]class ArithmeticAtomicPulseTemplate(AtomicPulseTemplate):
[docs] def __init__(self, lhs: AtomicPulseTemplate, arithmetic_operator: str, rhs: AtomicPulseTemplate, *, silent_atomic: bool = False, measurements: List = None, identifier: str = None, registry: PulseRegistryType = None): """Apply an operation (+ or -) channel wise to two atomic pulse templates. Channels only present in one pulse template have the operations neutral element on the other. The operations are defined in `ArithmeticWaveform.operator_map`. Non-atomic pulse templates are implicitly interpreted as atomic. Args: lhs: Left hand side operand arithmetic_operator: String representation of the operator rhs: Right hand side operand measurements: See AtomicPulseTemplate identifier: See AtomicPulseTemplate registry: See qupulse.serialization.PulseRegistry """ super().__init__(identifier=identifier, measurements=measurements) if arithmetic_operator not in ArithmeticWaveform.operator_map: raise ValueError('Unknown operator. allowed: %r' % set(ArithmeticWaveform.operator_map.keys())) if lhs.duration != rhs.duration: warnings.warn("The operands have unequal expressions for their duration. " "If they evaluate to different values on instantiation this will result in an error. " "(%r != %r) for ALL inputs " "(it may be unequal only for fringe cases)" % (lhs.duration, rhs.duration), category=UnequalDurationWarningInArithmeticPT) if not silent_atomic and (not isinstance(lhs, AtomicPulseTemplate) or not isinstance(rhs, AtomicPulseTemplate)): warnings.warn("ArithmeticAtomicPulseTemplate treats all operands as if they are atomic. " "You can silence this warning by passing `silent_atomic=True` or by ignoring this category.", category=ImplicitAtomicityInArithmeticPT) self._lhs = lhs self._rhs = rhs self._arithmetic_operator = arithmetic_operator self._register(registry=registry)
@property def lhs(self): return self._lhs @property def rhs(self): return self._rhs @property def arithmetic_operator(self) -> str: return self._arithmetic_operator @property def defined_channels(self): return self.lhs.defined_channels | self.rhs.defined_channels @property def parameter_names(self): return self.lhs.parameter_names | self.rhs.parameter_names @property def measurement_names(self): return super().measurement_names.union(self.lhs.measurement_names, self.rhs.measurement_names) @property def duration(self) -> ExpressionScalar: """Duration of the lhs operand if it is larger zero. Else duration of the rhs.""" return ExpressionScalar(sympy.Max(self.lhs.duration, self.rhs.duration)) @property def integral(self) -> Dict[ChannelID, ExpressionScalar]: return _apply_operation_to_channel_dict(self._arithmetic_operator, self.lhs.integral, self.rhs.integral) def _as_expression(self) -> Dict[ChannelID, ExpressionScalar]: return _apply_operation_to_channel_dict(self._arithmetic_operator, self.lhs._as_expression(), self.rhs._as_expression())
[docs] def build_waveform(self, parameters: Dict[str, Real], channel_mapping: Dict[ChannelID, Optional[ChannelID]]) -> Optional[Waveform]: lhs = self.lhs.build_waveform(parameters=parameters, channel_mapping=channel_mapping) rhs = self.rhs.build_waveform(parameters=parameters, channel_mapping=channel_mapping) if rhs is None: return lhs if lhs is None: return ArithmeticWaveform.rhs_only_map[self.arithmetic_operator](rhs) else: return ArithmeticWaveform(lhs, self.arithmetic_operator, rhs)
[docs] def get_measurement_windows(self, parameters: Dict[str, Real], measurement_mapping: Dict[str, Optional[str]]) -> List[MeasurementWindow]: import inspect if not getattr(inspect.getmodule(inspect.stack()[1][0]), '__name__', '').startswith('qupulse'): warnings.warn("This is only a hack until is resolved. " "Do not call this method directly", category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) measurements = super().get_measurement_windows(parameters=parameters, measurement_mapping=measurement_mapping) measurements.extend(self.lhs.get_measurement_windows(parameters=parameters, measurement_mapping=measurement_mapping)) measurements.extend(self.rhs.get_measurement_windows(parameters=parameters, measurement_mapping=measurement_mapping)) return measurements
[docs] def get_serialization_data(self, serializer: Optional[Serializer] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]: data = super().get_serialization_data(serializer) data['rhs'] = self.rhs data['lhs'] = self.lhs data['arithmetic_operator'] = self.arithmetic_operator if serializer: raise NotImplementedError('Compatibility to old serialization routines not implemented for new type') if self.measurement_declarations: data['measurements'] = self.measurement_declarations return data
def __repr__(self): if any(v for k, v in super().get_serialization_data().items() if k != '#type'): return super().__repr__() else: return '(%r %r %r)' % (self.lhs, self.arithmetic_operator, self.rhs)
[docs] @classmethod def deserialize(cls, serializer: Optional[Serializer] = None, **kwargs) -> 'ArithmeticAtomicPulseTemplate': if serializer: raise NotImplementedError('Compatibility to old serialization routines not implemented for new type') return cls(**kwargs)
[docs]class ArithmeticPulseTemplate(PulseTemplate): """"""
[docs] def __init__(self, lhs: Union[PulseTemplate, ExpressionLike, Mapping[ChannelID, ExpressionLike]], arithmetic_operator: str, rhs: Union[PulseTemplate, ExpressionLike, Mapping[ChannelID, ExpressionLike]], *, identifier: Optional[str] = None): """ Args: lhs: Left hand side operand arithmetic_operator: String representation of the operator rhs: Right hand side operand identifier: Raises: TypeError if both or none of the operands are pulse templates """ PulseTemplate.__init__(self, identifier=identifier) if not isinstance(lhs, PulseTemplate) and not isinstance(rhs, PulseTemplate): raise TypeError('At least one of the operands needs to be a pulse template.') elif not isinstance(lhs, PulseTemplate) and isinstance(rhs, PulseTemplate): # +, - and * with (scalar, PT) if arithmetic_operator not in ('+', '-', '*'): raise ValueError('Operands (scalar, PulseTemplate) require an operator from {+, -, *}') scalar = lhs = self._parse_operand(lhs, rhs.defined_channels) pulse_template = rhs elif isinstance(lhs, PulseTemplate) and not isinstance(rhs, PulseTemplate): # +, -, *, / and // with (PT, scalar) if arithmetic_operator not in ('+', '-', '*', '/'): raise ValueError('Operands (PulseTemplate, scalar) require an operator from {+, -, *, /}') scalar = rhs = self._parse_operand(rhs, lhs.defined_channels) pulse_template = lhs else: # + and - with (AtomicPulseTemplate, AtomicPulseTemplate) as operands raise TypeError('ArithmeticPulseTemplate cannot combine two PulseTemplates') self._lhs = lhs self._rhs = rhs self._pulse_template = pulse_template self._scalar = scalar self._arithmetic_operator = arithmetic_operator
@staticmethod def _parse_operand(operand: Union[ExpressionLike, Mapping[ChannelID, ExpressionLike]], channels: Set[ChannelID]) -> Union[ExpressionScalar, Mapping[ChannelID, ExpressionScalar]]: """Transforms operand or all entries of operand to ExpressionScalar Args: operand: operands to transforms channels: Guard against non defined channels Raises: ValueError if a channel is in the operand that is not in channels Returns: A dict with ExpressionScalar values or an ExpressionScalar """ if isinstance(operand, Mapping): missing_in_channels = operand.keys() - channels if missing_in_channels: raise ValueError('The channels {} are defined in the operand but not in the pulse template.'.format( missing_in_channels)) operand = {channel: value if isinstance(value, ExpressionScalar) else ExpressionScalar(value) for channel, value in operand.items()} return operand else: return operand if isinstance(operand, ExpressionScalar) else ExpressionScalar(operand) def _get_scalar_value(self, parameters: Mapping[str, Real], channel_mapping: Mapping[str, Optional[str]]) -> Dict[ChannelID, Real]: """Generate a dict of real values from the scalar operand. If the scalar operand is an ExpressionScalar all channels with non None values in channel_mapping get the same output. If the scalar operand is a Mapping only those mapped to non None are in the output Args: parameters: channel_mapping: Returns: The evaluation of the scalar operand for all relevant channels """ if isinstance(self._scalar, ExpressionScalar): scalar_value = self._scalar.evaluate_in_scope(parameters) return {channel_mapping[channel]: scalar_value for channel in self._pulse_template.defined_channels if channel_mapping[channel]} else: return {channel_mapping[channel]: value.evaluate_in_scope(parameters) for channel, value in self._scalar.items() if channel_mapping[channel]} @property def lhs(self): return self._lhs @property def rhs(self): return self._rhs def _get_transformation(self, parameters: Mapping[str, Real], channel_mapping: Mapping[ChannelID, ChannelID]) -> Transformation: transformation = IdentityTransformation() scalar_value = self._get_scalar_value(parameters=parameters, channel_mapping=channel_mapping) if self._pulse_template is self._rhs: if self._arithmetic_operator == '-': # negate the pulse template transformation = transformation.chain( ScalingTransformation({channel_mapping[ch]: -1 for ch in self.defined_channels if channel_mapping[ch]})) else: if self._arithmetic_operator == '-': for channel, value in scalar_value.items(): scalar_value[channel] = -value elif self._arithmetic_operator == '/': for channel, value in scalar_value.items(): scalar_value[channel] = 1/value if self._arithmetic_operator in ('+', '-'): return transformation.chain( OffsetTransformation(scalar_value) ) else: return transformation.chain( ScalingTransformation(scalar_value) ) def _internal_create_program(self, *, scope: Scope, measurement_mapping: Dict[str, Optional[str]], channel_mapping: Dict[ChannelID, Optional[ChannelID]], global_transformation: Optional[Transformation], to_single_waveform: Set[Union[str, 'PulseTemplate']], parent_loop: 'Loop'): """The operation is applied by modifying the transformation the pulse template operand sees.""" if not scope.get_volatile_parameters().keys().isdisjoint(self._scalar_operand_parameters): raise NotImplementedError('The scalar operand of arithmetic pulse template cannot be volatile') # put arithmetic into transformation inner_transformation = self._get_transformation(parameters=scope, channel_mapping=channel_mapping) transformation = inner_transformation.chain(global_transformation) self._pulse_template._create_program(scope=scope, measurement_mapping=measurement_mapping, channel_mapping=channel_mapping, global_transformation=transformation, to_single_waveform=to_single_waveform, parent_loop=parent_loop)
[docs] def build_waveform(self, parameters: Dict[str, Real], channel_mapping: Dict[ChannelID, ChannelID]) -> Optional[Waveform]: pt = cast(AtomicPulseTemplate, self._pulse_template) inner_waveform = pt.build_waveform(parameters=parameters, channel_mapping=channel_mapping) if inner_waveform is None: return None # put arithmetic into transformation transformation = self._get_transformation(parameters=parameters, channel_mapping=channel_mapping) return TransformingWaveform(inner_waveform, transformation=transformation)
def __repr__(self): if any(v for k, v in super().get_serialization_data().items() if k != '#type'): return super().__repr__() else: return '(%r %s %r)' % (self.lhs, self._arithmetic_operator, self.rhs)
[docs] def get_serialization_data(self, serializer: Optional['Serializer'] = None) -> Dict: if serializer: raise NotImplementedError('Compatibility to old serialization routines not implemented for new type') data = super().get_serialization_data() data['rhs'] = self.rhs data['lhs'] = self.lhs data['arithmetic_operator'] = self._arithmetic_operator return data
@property def defined_channels(self): return self._pulse_template.defined_channels @property def duration(self) -> ExpressionScalar: return self._pulse_template.duration @property def integral(self) -> Dict[ChannelID, ExpressionScalar]: integral = {channel: value.sympified_expression for channel, value in self._pulse_template.integral.items()} if isinstance(self._scalar, ExpressionScalar): scalar = {channel: self._scalar.sympified_expression for channel in self.defined_channels} else: scalar = {channel: value.sympified_expression for channel, value in self._scalar.items()} if self._arithmetic_operator == '+': for channel, value in scalar.items(): integral[channel] = integral[channel] + (value * self.duration.sympified_expression) elif self._arithmetic_operator == '*': for channel, value in scalar.items(): integral[channel] = integral[channel] * value elif self._arithmetic_operator == '/': assert self._pulse_template is self.lhs for channel, value in scalar.items(): integral[channel] = integral[channel] / value else: assert self._arithmetic_operator == '-' if self._pulse_template is self.rhs: # we need to negate all existing values for channel, inner_value in integral.items(): if channel in scalar: integral[channel] = scalar[channel] * self.duration.sympified_expression - inner_value else: integral[channel] = -inner_value else: for channel, value in scalar.items(): integral[channel] = integral[channel] - value * self.duration.sympified_expression for channel, value in integral.items(): integral[channel] = ExpressionScalar(value) return integral @property def measurement_names(self) -> Set[str]: return self._pulse_template.measurement_names @cached_property.cached_property def _scalar_operand_parameters(self) -> FrozenSet[str]: if isinstance(self._scalar, dict): return frozenset(*(value.variables for value in self._scalar.values())) else: return frozenset(self._scalar.variables) @property def parameter_names(self) -> Set[str]: return self._pulse_template.parameter_names.union(self._scalar_operand_parameters)
[docs] def get_measurement_windows(self, parameters: Dict[str, Real], measurement_mapping: Dict[str, Optional[str]]) -> List[MeasurementWindow]: measurements = [] if isinstance(self.lhs, PulseTemplate): measurements.extend(self.lhs.get_measurement_windows(parameters=parameters, measurement_mapping=measurement_mapping)) if isinstance(self.rhs, PulseTemplate): measurements.extend(self.rhs.get_measurement_windows(parameters=parameters, measurement_mapping=measurement_mapping)) return measurements
[docs]def try_operation(lhs: Union[PulseTemplate, ExpressionLike, Mapping[ChannelID, ExpressionLike]], op: str, rhs: Union[PulseTemplate, ExpressionLike, Mapping[ChannelID, ExpressionLike]], **kwargs) -> Union['ArithmeticPulseTemplate', type(NotImplemented)]: """ Args: lhs: Left hand side operand op: String representation of the operator rhs: Right hand side operand **kwargs: Forwarded to class init Returns: ArithmeticPulseTemplate if the desired operation is valid and returns a pulse template NotImplemented otherwise """ try: # returns if only one of the operands is a pulse template and the operation is valid return ArithmeticPulseTemplate(lhs, op, rhs, **kwargs) except TypeError: # either none or both are pulse templates try: return ArithmeticAtomicPulseTemplate(lhs, op, rhs, **kwargs) except ValueError: # invalid operand return NotImplemented except ValueError: # invalid operand return NotImplemented
[docs]class UnequalDurationWarningInArithmeticPT(RuntimeWarning): """Signals that an ArithmeticAtomicPulseTemplate was constructed from operands with unequal duration. This is a separate class to allow easy silencing."""
[docs]class ImplicitAtomicityInArithmeticPT(RuntimeWarning): """Signals that an ArithmeticAtomicPulseTemplate has operands that are non-atomic but will be interpreted as atomic. This is a separate class to allow easy silencing. """