Source code for qupulse.pulses.plotting

"""This module defines plotting functionality for instantiated PulseTemplates using matplotlib.

    - PlottingNotPossibleException.
    - plot: Plot a pulse using matplotlib.

from typing import Dict, Tuple, Any, Optional, Set, List, Union
from numbers import Real

import numpy as np
import warnings
import operator
import itertools

from qupulse._program import waveforms
from qupulse.utils.types import ChannelID, MeasurementWindow, has_type_interface
from qupulse.pulses.pulse_template import PulseTemplate
from qupulse.pulses.parameters import Parameter
from qupulse._program.waveforms import Waveform
from qupulse._program._loop import Loop, to_waveform

__all__ = ["render", "plot", "PlottingNotPossibleException"]

[docs]def render(program: Union[Loop], sample_rate: Real = 10.0, render_measurements: bool = False, time_slice: Tuple[Real, Real] = None, plot_channels: Optional[Set[ChannelID]] = None) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, Dict[ChannelID, np.ndarray], List[MeasurementWindow]]: """'Renders' a pulse program. Samples all contained waveforms into an array according to the control flow of the program. Args: program: The pulse (sub)program to render. Can be represented either by a Loop object or the more old-fashioned InstructionBlock. sample_rate: The sample rate in GHz. render_measurements: If True, the third return value is a list of measurement windows. time_slice: The time slice to be rendered. If None, the entire pulse will be shown. plot_channels: Only channels in this set are rendered. If None, all will. Returns: A tuple (times, values, measurements). times is a numpy.ndarray of dimensions sample_count where containing the time values. voltages is a dictionary of one numpy.ndarray of dimensions sample_count per defined channel containing corresponding sampled voltage values for that channel. measurements is a sequence of all measurements where each measurement is represented by a tuple (name, start_time, duration). """ if has_type_interface(program, Loop): waveform, measurements = _render_loop(program, render_measurements=render_measurements) else: raise ValueError('Cannot render an object of type %r' % type(program), program) if waveform is None: return np.array([]), dict(), measurements if plot_channels is None: channels = waveform.defined_channels else: channels = waveform.defined_channels & plot_channels if time_slice is None: start_time, end_time = 0, waveform.duration elif time_slice[1] < time_slice[0] or time_slice[0] < 0 or time_slice[1] < 0: raise ValueError("time_slice is not valid.") else: start_time, end_time, *_ = time_slice # filter measurement windows measurements = [(name, begin, length) for name, begin, length in measurements if begin < end_time and begin + length > start_time] sample_count = (end_time - start_time) * sample_rate + 1 if sample_count < 2: raise PlottingNotPossibleException(pulse=None, description='cannot render sequence with less than 2 data points') if not round(float(sample_count), 10).is_integer(): warnings.warn("Sample count {sample_count} is not an integer. Will be rounded (this changes the sample rate).".format(sample_count=sample_count)) times = np.linspace(float(start_time), float(end_time), num=int(sample_count), dtype=float) times[-1] = np.nextafter(times[-1], times[-2]) voltages = {ch: waveforms._ALLOCATION_FUNCTION(times, **waveforms._ALLOCATION_FUNCTION_KWARGS) for ch in channels} for ch, ch_voltage in voltages.items(): waveform.get_sampled(channel=ch, sample_times=times, output_array=ch_voltage) return times, voltages, measurements
def _render_loop(loop: Loop, render_measurements: bool,) -> Tuple[Waveform, List[MeasurementWindow]]: """Transform program into single waveform and measurement windows. The specific implementation of render for Loop arguments.""" waveform = to_waveform(loop) if render_measurements: measurement_dict = loop.get_measurement_windows() measurement_list = [] for name, (begins, lengths) in measurement_dict.items(): measurement_list.extend(zip(itertools.repeat(name), begins, lengths)) measurements = sorted(measurement_list, key=operator.itemgetter(1)) else: measurements = [] return waveform, measurements
[docs]def plot(pulse: PulseTemplate, parameters: Dict[str, Parameter]=None, sample_rate: Real=10, axes: Any=None, show: bool=True, plot_channels: Optional[Set[ChannelID]]=None, plot_measurements: Optional[Set[str]]=None, stepped: bool=True, maximum_points: int=10**6, time_slice: Tuple[Real, Real]=None, **kwargs) -> Any: # pragma: no cover """Plots a pulse using matplotlib. The given pulse template will first be turned into a pulse program (represented by a Loop object) with the provided parameters. The render() function is then invoked to obtain voltage samples over the entire duration of the pulse which are then plotted in a matplotlib figure. Args: pulse: The pulse to be plotted. parameters: An optional mapping of parameter names to Parameter objects. sample_rate: The rate with which the waveforms are sampled for the plot in samples per time unit. (default = 10) axes: matplotlib Axes object the pulse will be drawn into if provided show: If true, the figure will be shown plot_channels: If specified only channels from this set will be plotted. If omitted all channels will be. stepped: If true pyplot.step is used for plotting plot_measurements: If specified measurements in this set will be plotted. If omitted no measurements will be. maximum_points: If the sampled waveform is bigger, it is not plotted time_slice: The time slice to be plotted. If None, the entire pulse will be shown. kwargs: Forwarded to pyplot. Overwrites other settings. Returns: matplotlib.pyplot.Figure instance in which the pulse is rendered Raises: PlottingNotPossibleException if the sequencing is interrupted before it finishes, e.g., because a parameter value could not be evaluated all Exceptions possibly raised during sequencing """ from matplotlib import pyplot as plt channels = pulse.defined_channels if parameters is None: parameters = dict() program = pulse.create_program(parameters=parameters, channel_mapping={ch: ch for ch in channels}, measurement_mapping={w: w for w in pulse.measurement_names}) if program is not None: times, voltages, measurements = render(program, sample_rate, render_measurements=bool(plot_measurements), time_slice=time_slice) else: times, voltages, measurements = np.array([]), dict(), [] duration = 0 if times.size == 0: warnings.warn("Pulse to be plotted is empty!") elif times.size > maximum_points: # todo [2018-05-30]: since it results in an empty return value this should arguably be an exception, not just a warning warnings.warn("Sampled pulse of size {wf_len} is lager than {max_points}".format(wf_len=times.size, max_points=maximum_points)) return None else: duration = times[-1] if time_slice is None: time_slice = (0, duration) legend_handles = [] if axes is None: # plot to figure figure = plt.figure() axes = figure.add_subplot(111) if plot_channels is not None: voltages = {ch: voltage for ch, voltage in voltages.items() if ch in plot_channels} for ch_name, voltage in voltages.items(): label = 'channel {}'.format(ch_name) if stepped: line, = axes.step(times, voltage, **{**dict(where='post', label=label), **kwargs}) else: line, = axes.plot(times, voltage, **{**dict(label=label), **kwargs}) legend_handles.append(line) if plot_measurements: measurement_dict = dict() for name, begin, length in measurements: if name in plot_measurements: measurement_dict.setdefault(name, []).append((begin, begin+length)) color_map ='plasma') meas_colors = {name: color_map(i/len(measurement_dict)) for i, name in enumerate(measurement_dict.keys())} for name, begin_end_list in measurement_dict.items(): for begin, end in begin_end_list: poly = axes.axvspan(begin, end, alpha=0.2, label=name, edgecolor='black', facecolor=meas_colors[name]) legend_handles.append(poly) axes.legend(handles=legend_handles) max_voltage = max((max(channel, default=0) for channel in voltages.values()), default=0) min_voltage = min((min(channel, default=0) for channel in voltages.values()), default=0) # add some margins in the presentation axes.set_xlim(-0.5+time_slice[0], time_slice[1] + 0.5) voltage_difference = max_voltage-min_voltage if voltage_difference>0: axes.set_ylim(min_voltage - 0.1*voltage_difference, max_voltage + 0.1*voltage_difference) axes.set_xlabel('Time (ns)') axes.set_ylabel('Voltage (a.u.)') if pulse.identifier: axes.set_title(pulse.identifier) if show: axes.get_figure().show() return axes.get_figure()
[docs]class PlottingNotPossibleException(Exception): """Indicates that plotting is not possible because the sequencing process did not translate the entire given PulseTemplate structure.""" def __init__(self, pulse, description = None) -> None: super().__init__() self.pulse = pulse self.description = description def __str__(self) -> str: if self.description is None: return "Plotting is not possible. There are parameters which cannot be computed." else: return "Plotting is not possible: %s." % self.description