Source code for qupulse.pulses.sequence_pulse_template

"""This module defines SequencePulseTemplate, a higher-order hierarchical pulse template that
combines several other PulseTemplate objects for sequential execution."""

import numpy as np
from typing import Dict, List, Set, Optional, Any, Iterable, Union, Callable, cast
from numbers import Real
import functools
import warnings

from cached_property import cached_property

from qupulse.serialization import Serializer, PulseRegistryType
from qupulse._program._loop import Loop
from qupulse.parameter_scope import Scope
from qupulse.utils.types import MeasurementWindow, ChannelID, TimeType
from qupulse.pulses.pulse_template import PulseTemplate, AtomicPulseTemplate
from qupulse.pulses.parameters import Parameter, ParameterConstrainer, ParameterNotProvidedException
from qupulse.pulses.mapping_pulse_template import MappingPulseTemplate, MappingTuple
from qupulse._program.waveforms import SequenceWaveform
from qupulse.pulses.measurement import MeasurementDeclaration, MeasurementDefiner
from qupulse.expressions import Expression, ExpressionScalar

__all__ = ["SequencePulseTemplate"]

[docs]class SequencePulseTemplate(PulseTemplate, ParameterConstrainer, MeasurementDefiner): """A sequence of different PulseTemplates. SequencePulseTemplate allows to group several PulseTemplates (subtemplates) into one larger sequence, i.e., when instantiating a pulse from a SequencePulseTemplate all pulses instantiated from the subtemplates are queued for execution right after one another. SequencePulseTemplate requires to specify a mapping of parameter declarations from its subtemplates to its own, enabling renaming and mathematical transformation of parameters. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *subtemplates: Union[PulseTemplate, MappingTuple], identifier: Optional[str]=None, parameter_constraints: Optional[List[Union[str, Expression]]]=None, measurements: Optional[List[MeasurementDeclaration]]=None, registry: PulseRegistryType=None) -> None: """Create a new SequencePulseTemplate instance. Requires a (correctly ordered) list of subtemplates in the form (PulseTemplate, Dict(str -> str)) where the dictionary is a mapping between the external parameters exposed by this SequencePulseTemplate to the parameters declared by the subtemplates, specifying how the latter are derived from the former, i.e., the mapping is subtemplate_parameter_name -> mapping_expression (as str) where the free variables in the mapping_expression are parameters declared by this SequencePulseTemplate. The following requirements must be satisfied: - for each parameter declared by a subtemplate, a mapping expression must be provided - each free variable in a mapping expression must be declared as an external parameter of this SequencePulseTemplate Args: subtemplates (List(Subtemplate)): The list of subtemplates of this SequencePulseTemplate as tuples of the form (PulseTemplate, Dict(str -> str)). identifier (str): A unique identifier for use in serialization. (optional) """ PulseTemplate.__init__(self, identifier=identifier) ParameterConstrainer.__init__(self, parameter_constraints=parameter_constraints) MeasurementDefiner.__init__(self, measurements=measurements) self.__subtemplates = [MappingPulseTemplate.from_tuple(st) if isinstance(st, tuple) else st for st in subtemplates] # check that all subtemplates live on the same channels defined_channels = self.__subtemplates[0].defined_channels for subtemplate in self.__subtemplates[1:]: if subtemplate.defined_channels != defined_channels: raise ValueError('The subtemplates are defined for different channels:' + f' defined {defined_channels} vs. subtemplate {subtemplate.defined_channels}') self._register(registry=registry)
[docs] @classmethod def concatenate(cls, *pulse_templates: Union[PulseTemplate, MappingTuple], **kwargs) -> 'SequencePulseTemplate': """Sequences the given pulse templates by creating a SequencePulseTemplate. Pulse templates that are SequencePulseTemplates and do not carry additional information (identifier, measurements, parameter constraints) are not used directly but their sub templates are. Args: *pulse_templates: Pulse templates to concatenate **kwargs: Forwarded to the __init__ Returns: Concatenated templates """ parsed = [] for pt in pulse_templates: if (isinstance(pt, SequencePulseTemplate) and pt.identifier is None and not pt.measurement_declarations and not pt.parameter_constraints): parsed.extend(pt.subtemplates) else: parsed.append(pt) return cls(*parsed, **kwargs)
@property def parameter_names(self) -> Set[str]: return self.constrained_parameters.union(self.measurement_parameters, *(st.parameter_names for st in self.__subtemplates)) @property def subtemplates(self) -> List[MappingPulseTemplate]: return self.__subtemplates @cached_property def duration(self) -> Expression: return sum(sub.duration for sub in self.__subtemplates) @property def defined_channels(self) -> Set[ChannelID]: return self.__subtemplates[0].defined_channels if self.__subtemplates else set() @property def measurement_names(self) -> Set[str]: return set.union(MeasurementDefiner.measurement_names.fget(self), *(st.measurement_names for st in self.subtemplates))
[docs] def build_waveform(self, parameters: Dict[str, Real], channel_mapping: Dict[ChannelID, ChannelID]) -> SequenceWaveform: self.validate_parameter_constraints(parameters=parameters, volatile=set()) return SequenceWaveform([sub_template.build_waveform(parameters, channel_mapping=channel_mapping) for sub_template in self.__subtemplates])
def _internal_create_program(self, *, scope: Scope, measurement_mapping: Dict[str, Optional[str]], channel_mapping: Dict[ChannelID, Optional[ChannelID]], global_transformation: Optional['Transformation'], to_single_waveform: Set[Union[str, 'PulseTemplate']], parent_loop: Loop) -> None: self.validate_scope(scope) if self.duration.evaluate_in_scope(scope) > 0: measurements = self.get_measurement_windows(scope, measurement_mapping) if measurements: parent_loop.add_measurements(measurements) for subtemplate in self.subtemplates: subtemplate._create_program(scope=scope, measurement_mapping=measurement_mapping, channel_mapping=channel_mapping, global_transformation=global_transformation, to_single_waveform=to_single_waveform, parent_loop=parent_loop)
[docs] def get_serialization_data(self, serializer: Optional[Serializer]=None) -> Dict[str, Any]: data = super().get_serialization_data(serializer) data['subtemplates'] = self.subtemplates if serializer: # compatibility to old serialization routines, deprecated data = dict() data['subtemplates'] = [serializer.dictify(subtemplate) for subtemplate in self.subtemplates] if self.parameter_constraints: data['parameter_constraints'] = [str(c) for c in self.parameter_constraints] if self.measurement_declarations: data['measurements'] = self.measurement_declarations return data
[docs] @classmethod def deserialize(cls, serializer: Optional[Serializer]=None, # compatibility to old serialization routines, deprecated **kwargs) -> 'SequencePulseTemplate': subtemplates = kwargs['subtemplates'] del kwargs['subtemplates'] if serializer: # compatibility to old serialization routines, deprecated subtemplates = [serializer.deserialize(st) for st in subtemplates] return cls(*subtemplates, **kwargs)
@property def defined_channels(self) -> Set[ChannelID]: return self.__subtemplates[0].defined_channels @property def integral(self) -> Dict[ChannelID, ExpressionScalar]: expressions = {channel: 0 for channel in self.defined_channels} def add_dicts(x, y): return {k: x[k] + y[k] for k in x} return functools.reduce(add_dicts, [sub.integral for sub in self.__subtemplates], expressions)