Source code for qupulse.pulses.table_pulse_template

"""This module defines the TablePulseTemplate, one of the elementary pulse templates and its
waveform representation.

    - TablePulseTemplate: Defines a pulse via interpolation of a sequence of (time,voltage)-pairs.
    - TableWaveform: A waveform instantiated from a TablePulseTemplate by providing values for its
        declared parameters.

from typing import Union, Dict, List, Set, Optional, Any, Tuple, Sequence, NamedTuple, Callable
import numbers
import itertools
import warnings

import numpy as np
import sympy
from sympy.logic.boolalg import BooleanAtom

from qupulse.utils import pairwise
from qupulse.utils.types import ChannelID
from qupulse.serialization import Serializer, PulseRegistryType
from qupulse.pulses.parameters import Parameter, \
    ParameterNotProvidedException, ParameterConstraint, ParameterConstrainer
from qupulse.pulses.pulse_template import AtomicPulseTemplate, MeasurementDeclaration
from qupulse.pulses.interpolation import InterpolationStrategy, LinearInterpolationStrategy, \
    HoldInterpolationStrategy, JumpInterpolationStrategy
from qupulse._program.waveforms import TableWaveform, TableWaveformEntry
from qupulse.expressions import ExpressionScalar, Expression
from qupulse.pulses.multi_channel_pulse_template import MultiChannelWaveform

__all__ = ["TablePulseTemplate", "concatenate"]

ValueInInit = Union[ExpressionScalar, str, numbers.Real]
EntryInInit = Union['TableEntry',
                    Tuple[ValueInInit, ValueInInit],
                    Tuple[ValueInInit, ValueInInit, Union[str, InterpolationStrategy]]]

class TableEntry(NamedTuple('TableEntry', [('t', ExpressionScalar),
                                           ('v', Expression),
                                           ('interp', Optional[InterpolationStrategy])])):
    __slots__ = ()

    def __new__(cls, t: ValueInInit, v: ValueInInit, interp: Optional[Union[str, InterpolationStrategy]]='default'):
        if interp in TablePulseTemplate.interpolation_strategies:
            interp = TablePulseTemplate.interpolation_strategies[interp]
        if interp is not None and not isinstance(interp, InterpolationStrategy):
            raise KeyError(interp, 'is not a valid interpolation strategy')

        return super().__new__(cls, ExpressionScalar.make(t),

    def instantiate(self, parameters: Dict[str, numbers.Real]) -> TableWaveformEntry:
        return TableWaveformEntry(self.t.evaluate_with_exact_rationals(parameters),

    def get_serialization_data(self) -> tuple:
        interp = None if self.interp is None else str(self.interp)
        return self.t.get_serialization_data(), self.v.get_serialization_data(), interp

    def _sequence_integral(cls, entry_sequence: Sequence['TableEntry'],
                           expression_extractor: Callable[[Expression], sympy.Expr]) -> ExpressionScalar:
        """Returns an expression for the time integral over the complete sequence of table entries.

            entry_sequence: Sequence of table entries. Assumed to be ordered by time.
            expression_extractor: Convert each entry's voltage into a sympy expression. Can be used to select single
            channels from a vectorized expression.

            Scalar expression for the integral.
        expr = 0
        for first_entry, second_entry in pairwise(entry_sequence):
            substitutions = {'t0': first_entry.t.sympified_expression,
                             'v0': expression_extractor(first_entry.v),
                             't1': second_entry.t.sympified_expression,
                             'v1': expression_extractor(second_entry.v)}
            expr += second_entry.interp.integral.sympified_expression.subs(substitutions, simultaneous=True)
        return ExpressionScalar(expr)

    def _sequence_as_expression(cls, entry_sequence: Sequence['TableEntry'],
                                expression_extractor: Callable[[Expression], sympy.Expr],
                                t: sympy.Dummy,
                                pre_value: Optional[sympy.Expr],
                                post_value: Optional[sympy.Expr]) -> ExpressionScalar:
        """Create an expression out of a sequence of table entries.

            entry_sequence: Table entries to be represented as an expression. They are assumed to be ordered by time.
            expression_extractor: Convert each entry's voltage into a sympy expression. Can be used to select single
            channels from a vectorized expression.
            t: Time variable
            pre_value: If not None all t values smaller than the first entry's time give this value
            post_value: If not None all t values larger than the last entry's time give this value

            Scalar expression that covers the complete sequence and is zero outside.

        # args are tested in order
        piecewise_args = []

        # first define out of sequence values. Otherwise integration might produce strange results
        if pre_value is not None:
            piecewise_args.append((pre_value, t < entry_sequence[0].t.sympified_expression))

        if post_value is not None:
            piecewise_args.append((post_value, t >= entry_sequence[-1].t.sympified_expression))

        for first_entry, second_entry in pairwise(entry_sequence):
            t0, t1 = first_entry.t.sympified_expression, second_entry.t.sympified_expression
            substitutions = {'t0': t0,
                             'v0': expression_extractor(first_entry.v),
                             't1': t1,
                             'v1': expression_extractor(second_entry.v),
                             't': t}
            time_gate = sympy.And(t0 <= t, t < t1)

            interpolation_expr = second_entry.interp.expression.underlying_expression.subs(substitutions,

            piecewise_args.append((interpolation_expr, time_gate))

        if post_value is None and pre_value is None:
            piecewise_args.append((0, True))

        return ExpressionScalar(sympy.Piecewise(*piecewise_args))

[docs]class TablePulseTemplate(AtomicPulseTemplate, ParameterConstrainer): """The TablePulseTemplate class implements pulses described by a table with time, voltage and interpolation strategy inputs. The interpolation strategy describes how the voltage between the entries is interpolated(see also InterpolationStrategy.) It can define multiple channels of which each has a separate table. If they do not have the same length the shorter channels are extended to the longest duration. If the time entries of all channels are equal it is more convenient to use the :paramrefPointPulseTemplate`.""" interpolation_strategies = {'linear': LinearInterpolationStrategy(), 'hold': HoldInterpolationStrategy(), 'jump': JumpInterpolationStrategy(), 'default': HoldInterpolationStrategy()}
[docs] def __init__(self, entries: Dict[ChannelID, Sequence[EntryInInit]], identifier: Optional[str]=None, *, parameter_constraints: Optional[List[Union[str, ParameterConstraint]]]=None, measurements: Optional[List[MeasurementDeclaration]]=None, consistency_check: bool=True, registry: PulseRegistryType=None) -> None: """ Construct a `TablePulseTemplate` from a dict which maps channels to their entries. By default the consistency of the provided entries is checked. There are two static functions for convenience construction: from_array and from_entry_list. Args: entries: A dictionary that maps channel ids to a list of entries. An entry is a (time, voltage[, interpolation strategy]) tuple or a TableEntry identifier: Used for serialization parameter_constraints: Constraint list that is forwarded to the ParameterConstrainer superclass measurements: Measurement declaration list that is forwarded to the MeasurementDefiner superclass consistency_check: If True the consistency of the times will be checked on construction as far as possible """ AtomicPulseTemplate.__init__(self, identifier=identifier, measurements=measurements) ParameterConstrainer.__init__(self, parameter_constraints=parameter_constraints) if not entries: raise ValueError("Cannot construct an empty TablePulseTemplate (no entries given). There is currently no " "specific reason for this. Please submit an issue if you need this 'feature'.") self._entries = dict((ch, list()) for ch in entries.keys()) for channel, channel_entries in entries.items(): if len(channel_entries) == 0: raise ValueError('Channel {} is empty'.format(channel)) for entry in channel_entries: self._add_entry(channel, TableEntry(*entry)) self._duration = self.calculate_duration() self._table_parameters = set( var for channel_entries in self.entries.values() for entry in channel_entries for var in itertools.chain(entry.t.variables, entry.v.variables) ) | self.constrained_parameters if self.duration == 0: warnings.warn('Table pulse template with duration 0 on construction.', category=ZeroDurationTablePulseTemplate) if consistency_check: # perform a simple consistency check. All inequalities with more than one free variable are ignored as the # sympy solver does not support them # collect all conditions inequalities = [eq.sympified_expression for eq in self._parameter_constraints] +\ [sympy.Le(previous_entry.t.underlying_expression, entry.t.underlying_expression) for channel_entries in self._entries.values() for previous_entry, entry in zip(channel_entries, channel_entries[1:])] # test if any condition is already dissatisfied if any(isinstance(eq, BooleanAtom) and bool(eq) is False for eq in inequalities): raise ValueError('Table pulse template has impossible parametrization') # filter conditions that are inequalities with one free variable and test if the solution set is empty inequalities = [eq for eq in inequalities if isinstance(eq, sympy.Rel) and len(eq.free_symbols) == 1] if not sympy.reduce_inequalities(inequalities): raise ValueError('Table pulse template has impossible parametrization') self._register(registry=registry)
def _add_entry(self, channel, new_entry: TableEntry) -> None: ch_entries = self._entries[channel] # comparisons with Expression can yield None -> use 'is True' and 'is False' if (new_entry.t < 0) is True: raise ValueError('Time parameter number {} of channel {} is negative.'.format( len(ch_entries), channel)) for previous_entry in ch_entries: if (new_entry.t < previous_entry.t) is True: raise ValueError('Time parameter number {} of channel {} is smaller than a previous one'.format( len(ch_entries), channel)) self._entries[channel].append(new_entry) @property def entries(self) -> Dict[ChannelID, List[TableEntry]]: return self._entries
[docs] def get_entries_instantiated(self, parameters: Dict[str, numbers.Real]) \ -> Dict[ChannelID, List[TableWaveformEntry]]: """Compute an instantiated list of the table's entries. Args: parameters (Dict(str -> Parameter)): A mapping of parameter names to Parameter objects. Returns: (float, float)-list of all table entries with concrete values provided by the given parameters. """ if not (self.table_parameters <= set(parameters.keys())): raise ParameterNotProvidedException((self.table_parameters - set(parameters.keys())).pop()) instantiated_entries = dict() # type: Dict[ChannelID,List[TableWaveformEntry]] for channel, channel_entries in self._entries.items(): instantiated = [entry.instantiate(parameters) for entry in channel_entries] # Add (0, v) entry if wf starts at finite time if instantiated[0].t > 0: instantiated.insert(0, TableWaveformEntry(0, instantiated[0].v, TablePulseTemplate.interpolation_strategies['hold'])) instantiated_entries[channel] = instantiated duration = max(instantiated[-1].t for instantiated in instantiated_entries.values()) # ensure that all channels have equal duration for channel, instantiated in instantiated_entries.items(): final_entry = instantiated[-1] if final_entry.t < duration: instantiated.append(TableWaveformEntry(duration, final_entry.v, TablePulseTemplate.interpolation_strategies['hold'])) instantiated_entries[channel] = instantiated return instantiated_entries
@property def table_parameters(self) -> Set[str]: return self._table_parameters @property def parameter_names(self) -> Set[str]: return self.table_parameters | self.measurement_parameters | self.constrained_parameters @property def duration(self) -> ExpressionScalar: return self._duration
[docs] def calculate_duration(self) -> ExpressionScalar: duration_expressions = [entries[-1].t for entries in self._entries.values()] duration_expression = sympy.Max(*(expr.sympified_expression for expr in duration_expressions)) return ExpressionScalar(duration_expression)
@property def defined_channels(self) -> Set[ChannelID]: return set(self._entries.keys())
[docs] def get_serialization_data(self, serializer: Optional[Serializer]=None) -> Dict[str, Any]: data = super().get_serialization_data(serializer) if serializer: # compatibility to old serialization routines, deprecated data = dict() local_data = dict( entries=dict( (channel, [entry.get_serialization_data() for entry in channel_entries]) for channel, channel_entries in self.entries.items() ), parameter_constraints=[str(c) for c in self.parameter_constraints], measurements=self.measurement_declarations ) data.update(**local_data) return data
[docs] def build_waveform(self, parameters: Dict[str, numbers.Real], channel_mapping: Dict[ChannelID, Optional[ChannelID]]) -> Optional[Union[TableWaveform, MultiChannelWaveform]]: self.validate_parameter_constraints(parameters, volatile=set()) instantiated = [(channel_mapping[channel], instantiated_channel) for channel, instantiated_channel in self.get_entries_instantiated(parameters).items() if channel_mapping[channel] is not None] if not instantiated: return None if self.duration.evaluate_numeric(**parameters) == 0: return None waveforms = [TableWaveform.from_table(*ch_instantiated) for ch_instantiated in instantiated] return MultiChannelWaveform.from_parallel(waveforms)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_array(times: np.ndarray, voltages: np.ndarray, channels: List[ChannelID]) -> 'TablePulseTemplate': """Static constructor to build a TablePulse from numpy arrays. Args: times: 1D numpy array with time values voltages: 1D or 2D numpy array with voltage values channels: channels to define Returns: TablePulseTemplate with the given values, hold interpolation everywhere and no free parameters. """ if times.ndim == 0 or voltages.ndim == 0: raise ValueError('Zero dimensional input is not accepted.') if times.ndim > 2 or voltages.ndim > 2: raise ValueError('Three or higher dimensional input is not accepted.') if times.ndim == 2 and times.shape[0] != len(channels): raise ValueError('First dimension of times must be equal to the number of channels') if voltages.ndim == 2 and voltages.shape[0] != len(channels): raise ValueError('First dimension of voltages must be equal to the number of channels') if voltages.shape[-1] != times.shape[-1]: ValueError('Different number of entries for times and voltages') return TablePulseTemplate(dict((channel, list(zip(times if times.ndim == 1 else times[i, :], voltages if voltages.ndim == 1 else voltages[i, :]))) for i, channel in enumerate(channels)))
[docs] @staticmethod def from_entry_list(entry_list: List[Tuple], channel_names: Optional[List[ChannelID]]=None, **kwargs) -> 'TablePulseTemplate': """Static constructor for a TablePulseTemplate where all channel's entries share the same times. :param entry_list: List of tuples of the form (t, v_1, ..., v_N[, interp]) :param channel_names: Optional list of channel identifiers to use. Default is [0, ..., N-1] :param kwargs: Forwarded to TablePulseTemplate constructor :return: TablePulseTemplate with """ # TODO: Better doc string def is_valid_interpolation_strategy(inter): return inter in TablePulseTemplate.interpolation_strategies or isinstance(inter, InterpolationStrategy) # determine number of channels max_len = max(len(data) for data in entry_list) min_len = min(len(data) for data in entry_list) if max_len - min_len > 1: raise ValueError('There are entries of contradicting lengths: {}'.format(set(len(t) for t in entry_list))) elif max_len - min_len == 1: num_chan = min_len - 1 else: # figure out whether all last entries are interpolation strategies if all(is_valid_interpolation_strategy(interp) for *data, interp in entry_list): num_chan = min_len - 2 else: num_chan = min_len - 1 # insert default interpolation strategy key entry_list = [(t, *data, interp) if len(data) == num_chan else (t, *data, interp, 'default') for t, *data, interp in entry_list] for *_, last_voltage, _ in entry_list: if last_voltage in TablePulseTemplate.interpolation_strategies: warnings.warn('{} is also an interpolation strategy name but handled as a voltage. Is it intended?' .format(last_voltage), AmbiguousTablePulseEntry) if channel_names is None: channel_names = list(range(num_chan)) elif len(channel_names) != num_chan: raise ValueError('Number of channel identifiers does not correspond to the number of channels.') parsed = {channel_name: [] for channel_name in channel_names} for time, *voltages, interp in entry_list: for channel_name, volt in zip(channel_names, voltages): parsed[channel_name].append((time, volt, interp)) return TablePulseTemplate(parsed, **kwargs)
@property def integral(self) -> Dict[ChannelID, ExpressionScalar]: expressions = dict() for channel, channel_entries in self._entries.items(): pre_entry = TableEntry(0, channel_entries[0].v, None) post_entry = TableEntry(self.duration, channel_entries[-1].v, 'hold') channel_entries = [pre_entry] + channel_entries + [post_entry] expressions[channel] = TableEntry._sequence_integral(channel_entries, lambda v: v.sympified_expression) return expressions def _as_expression(self) -> Dict[ChannelID, ExpressionScalar]: expressions = dict() for channel, channel_entries in self._entries.items(): pre_value = channel_entries[0].v.sympified_expression post_value = channel_entries[-1].v.sympified_expression expressions[channel] = TableEntry._sequence_as_expression(channel_entries, lambda v: v.sympified_expression, t=self._AS_EXPRESSION_TIME, pre_value=pre_value, post_value=post_value) return expressions
[docs]def concatenate(*table_pulse_templates: TablePulseTemplate, **kwargs) -> TablePulseTemplate: """Concatenate two or more table pulse templates""" first_template, *other_templates = table_pulse_templates entries = {channel: [] for channel in first_template.defined_channels} duration = ExpressionScalar(0) for i, template in enumerate(table_pulse_templates): if not isinstance(template, TablePulseTemplate): raise TypeError('Template number %d is not a TablePulseTemplate' % i) new_duration = duration + template.duration if template.defined_channels != first_template.defined_channels: raise ValueError('Template number %d has differing defined channels' % i, first_template.defined_channels, template.defined_channels) for channel, channel_entries in template.entries.items(): first_t, first_v, _ = channel_entries[0] if i > 0 and first_t != 0: if (first_v == 0) is False: entries[channel].append((duration, first_v, 'hold')) for t, v, interp in channel_entries: entries[channel].append((duration.sympified_expression + t, v, interp)) last_t, last_v, _ = channel_entries[-1] if i < len(other_templates) and last_t != new_duration: entries[channel].append((new_duration, last_v, TablePulseTemplate.interpolation_strategies['hold'])) duration = new_duration return TablePulseTemplate(entries, **kwargs)
class ZeroDurationTablePulseTemplate(UserWarning): pass class AmbiguousTablePulseEntry(UserWarning): pass