2.10. Multi-Channel Pulses

Usually there is a need to define pulses for multiple control channels simulateously. While this would be possible by simply defining several separate pulse templates (one for each channel), qupulse also allows to define pulse templates directly for multiple channels or combine existing templates in a multi-channel way. This tutorial explores these possibilities.

2.10.1. A Multi-Channel Table Pulse

TablePulseTemplate allows to model multiple channels in a straighforward way: In its constructor entries are given as time-voltage sequences in a dictionary where each key specifies a channel id (which can be an identifier string or a number). In the first few examples we have mostly ignored this but here we are making use of it.

The following example constructs a 2-channel table pulse template with shared parameters and plots it.

from qupulse.pulses import TablePT

table_template = TablePT(identifier='2-channel-table-template',
                         entries={'first_channel' : [(0, 0),
                                                     (1, 4),
                                                     ('foo', 'bar'),
                                                     (10, 0)],
                                  'second_channel': [(0, 0),
                                                     ('foo', 2.7, 'linear'),
                                                     (9, 'bar', 'linear')]}

# plot it
%matplotlib notebook
from qupulse.pulses.plotting import plot
parameters = dict(
_ = plot(table_template, parameters, sample_rate=100)
print("The number of channels in table_template is {}.".format(table_template.num_channels))
The number of channels in table_template is 2.

2.11. Combining Templates: AtomicMultiChannelPulseTemplate

AtomicMultiChannelPulseTemplate(AtomicMultiChannelPT) allows to compose a multi-channel template out of atomic (i.e., no control flow) templates of equal duration. It allows to reassign channel indices of the channels of its subtemplates. The constructor is similar to the one of SequencePulseTemplate and expects subtemplates (including parameter and channel mappings if required).

The following example will combine the two-channel table pulse template table_template from above and a function pulse template function_template to a three-channel template template. We reassign indices such that channel ‘rectangle’ of the new template is channel ‘first_channel’ and ‘triangle’ is channel ‘second_channel’ of table_template. Furthermore the parameters get remapped. function_template doesn’t get changed at all.

from qupulse.pulses import FunctionPT, AtomicMultiChannelPT

function_template = FunctionPT('-sin(t)**2', '10', identifier='function-template', channel='wavy')

template = AtomicMultiChannelPT(
    (table_template, dict(foo='5', bar='2 * hugo'), {'first_channel': 'rectangle ', 'second_channel': 'triangle'}),

_ = plot(template, dict(hugo=-1.3), sample_rate=100)
print("The number of channels in function_template is {}.".format(function_template.num_channels))
print("The number of channels in template is {}.".format(template.num_channels))
The number of channels in function_template is 1.
The number of channels in template is 3.

The constructor of AtomicMultiChannelPulseTemplate expects its subtemplates as positional arguments. Each of positional arguments is required to be either a AtomicPulseTemplate, a MappingPulseTemplate that wraps an AtomicPulseTemplate or a tuple that can be passed to MappingPulseTemplate.from_tuple(more examples in Mapping with the MappingPulseTemplate). The sets of channels on which the subtemplates are defined has to be distinct. Note that an exception will be raised during the sampling of the waveforms (i.e., during the sequencing process) if the subtemplates have different length.

2.11.1. Instantionation duration check

By default the AtomicMultiChannelPulseTemplate checks whether the durations are equal on construction. It is possible to do this check during instantiation (when create_program is called) by providing the duration keyword argument. This can either be an expression or True. If it is an expression all subwaveforms have to have a duration equal to it. If it is True all waveforms have to have an unspecified equal duration.

from qupulse.pulses import FunctionPT, AtomicMultiChannelPT

template_a = FunctionPT('-sin(t)**2', 'duration_a', channel='a')
template_b = FunctionPT('-cos(t)**2', 'duration_b', channel='b')

    # instantiation duration check
    template = AtomicMultiChannelPT(
except ValueError as err:
    print('Instantiation duration check:')

# instantionation duration check with no specified value
template_unspecified = AtomicMultiChannelPT(

template_unspecified.create_program(parameters=dict(duration_a=3, duration_b=3))
    template_unspecified.create_program(parameters=dict(duration_a=3, duration_b=4))
except ValueError as err:
    print('Instantionation duration check with no specified value:')
    print(err.args[0], err.args[1])

# instantionation duration check with specified value
template_specified = AtomicMultiChannelPT(
template_specified.create_program(parameters=dict(duration_a=3, duration_b=3, my_duration=3))
    template_specified.create_program(parameters=dict(duration_a=3, duration_b=3, my_duration=4))
except ValueError as err:
    print('Instantionation duration check with specified value')
    print(err.args[0], err.args[1])

Instantiation duration check:
Could not assert duration equality of duration_a and duration_b

Instantionation duration check with no specified value:
The durations are not all equal. {'a': mpq(3,1), 'b': mpq(4,1)}

Instantionation duration check with specified value
The duration does not equal the expected duration 4

2.11.2. Multiple Channels in Non-Atomic Templates

All higher order template, i.e., SequencePulseTemplate and ForLoopPulseTemplate and RepetitionPulseTemplate, also support multiple channels insofar as that they can be composed using multi-channel atomic templates as subtemplates. They require that all these subtemplates define the same channels and raise an exception if that is not the case. The following example constructs a SequencePulseTempate sequence_template by chaining the above defined two-channel table_template. In the second instance of table_template in the sequence, we swap the channels by wrapping a MappingPulseTemplate around it.

from qupulse.pulses import SequencePT

sequence_template = SequencePT(
    (table_template, dict(foo='1.2 * hugo', bar='hugo ** 2')),
    (table_template, dict(foo='1.2 * hugo', bar='hugo ** 2'), {'first_channel': 'second_channel',
                                                               'second_channel': 'first_channel'}),

plot(sequence_template, dict(hugo=2), sample_rate=100)
print("The number of channels in sequence_template is {}.".format(sequence_template.num_channels))
The number of channels in sequence_template is 2.