3.3.4. qupulse.hardware.setup



Representation of the hardware setup.

MarkerChannel(awg, channel_on_awg)

A hardware channel that can only take two values

MeasurementMask(dac, mask_name)

PlaybackChannel(awg, channel_on_awg, ...)

A hardware channel that is not a marker

RegisteredProgram(program, ...)

Create new instance of RegisteredProgram(program, measurement_windows, run_callback, awgs_to_upload_to, dacs_to_arm)

_SingleChannel(awg, channel_on_awg)

An actual hardware channel

class qupulse.hardware.setup.HardwareSetup[source]

Bases: object

Representation of the hardware setup.

The class takes an instruction block, forms it into possibly channel dependent programs and registers the programs at the AWGs which modify their program to fit to their capabilities. The class also extracts the measurement windows(with absolute times) and hands them over to the DACs which will do further processing.

arm_program(name: str) None[source]

Assert program is in memory. Hardware will wait for trigger event

clear_programs() None[source]

Clears all programs from all known AWG and DAC devices.

Does not affect channel configurations or measurement masks set by set_channel or set_measurement.

property known_awgs: Set[qupulse.hardware.awgs.base.AWG]
property known_dacs: Set[qupulse.hardware.dacs.dac_base.DAC]
register_program(name: str, program: qupulse._program._loop.Loop, run_callback=<function HardwareSetup.<lambda>>, update=False) None[source]
registered_channels() Dict[Union[str, int], Set[qupulse.hardware.setup._SingleChannel]][source]
property registered_programs: Dict[str, qupulse.hardware.setup.RegisteredProgram]
remove_program(name: str)[source]
rm_channel(identifier: Union[str, int]) None[source]
run_program(name) None[source]

Calls arm program and starts it using the run callback

set_channel(identifier: Union[str, int], single_channel: Union[qupulse.hardware.setup._SingleChannel, Iterable[qupulse.hardware.setup._SingleChannel]], allow_multiple_registration: bool = False) None[source]
set_measurement(measurement_name: str, measurement_mask: Union[qupulse.hardware.setup.MeasurementMask, Iterable[qupulse.hardware.setup.MeasurementMask]], allow_multiple_registration: bool = False)[source]
update_parameters(name: str, parameters: Mapping[str, numbers.Real])[source]
class qupulse.hardware.setup.MarkerChannel(awg: qupulse.hardware.awgs.base.AWG, channel_on_awg: int)[source]

Bases: qupulse.hardware.setup._SingleChannel

A hardware channel that can only take two values

class qupulse.hardware.setup.PlaybackChannel(awg: qupulse.hardware.awgs.base.AWG, channel_on_awg: int, voltage_transformation: typing.Callable[[numpy.ndarray], numpy.ndarray] = <function PlaybackChannel.<lambda>>)[source]

Bases: qupulse.hardware.setup._SingleChannel

A hardware channel that is not a marker


A transformation that is applied to the pulses on the channel. One use case is to scale up the voltage if an amplifier is inserted.