Source code for qupulse.expressions

"""This subpackage contains qupulse's expression logic. The submodule :py:mod:`.expressions.protocol` defines the :py:class:`typing.Protocol`
that expression functionality providers must implement. This allows to substitute the powerful and expressive but slow
default implementation with a faster less expressive backend.

The default implementation is in :py:mod:`.expressions.sympy`.

There is are wrapper classes for finding non-protocol uses of expression in :py:mod:`.expressions.wrapper`. Define
``QUPULSE_EXPRESSION_WRAPPER`` environment variable when running python to wrap all expression usages.

from typing import Type, TypeVar
from numbers import Real
import os

import numpy as np
import sympy as sp

from . import sympy, protocol, wrapper

__all__ = ["Expression", "ExpressionVector", "ExpressionScalar",
           "NonNumericEvaluation", "ExpressionVariableMissingException"]

Expression: Type[protocol.Expression] = sympy.Expression
ExpressionScalar: Type[protocol.ExpressionScalar] = sympy.ExpressionScalar
ExpressionVector: Type[protocol.ExpressionVector] = sympy.ExpressionVector

if os.environ.get('QUPULSE_EXPRESSION_WRAPPER', None):  # pragma: no cover
    Expression, ExpressionScalar, ExpressionVector = wrapper.make_wrappers(sympy.Expression,

ExpressionLike = TypeVar('ExpressionLike', str, Real, sp.Expr, ExpressionScalar)

[docs]class ExpressionVariableMissingException(Exception): """An exception indicating that a variable value was not provided during expression evaluation. See also: qupulse.expressions.Expression """ def __init__(self, variable: str, expression: Expression) -> None: super().__init__() self.variable = variable self.expression = expression def __str__(self) -> str: return f"Could not evaluate <{self.expression}>: A value for variable <{self.variable}> is missing!"
[docs]class NonNumericEvaluation(Exception): """An exception that is raised if the result of evaluate_numeric is not a number. See also: qupulse.expressions.Expression.evaluate_numeric """ def __init__(self, expression: Expression, non_numeric_result, call_arguments): self.expression = expression self.non_numeric_result = non_numeric_result self.call_arguments = call_arguments def __str__(self) -> str: if isinstance(self.non_numeric_result, np.ndarray): dtype = self.non_numeric_result.dtype if dtype == np.dtype('O'): dtypes = set(map(type, self.non_numeric_result.flat)) return f"The result of evaluate_numeric is an array with the types {dtypes} which is not purely numeric" else: dtype = type(self.non_numeric_result) return f"The result of evaluate_numeric is of type {dtype} which is not a number"