Source code for qupulse.program.loop

import reprlib
import warnings
from collections import defaultdict
from enum import Enum
from typing import Union, Dict, Iterable, Tuple, cast, List, Optional, Generator, Mapping

import numpy as np

from qupulse.program.volatile import VolatileRepetitionCount, VolatileProperty
from qupulse.program.waveforms import SequenceWaveform, RepetitionWaveform
from qupulse.program.waveforms import Waveform, ConstantWaveform
from qupulse.utils import is_integer
from qupulse.utils.numeric import smallest_factor_ge
from qupulse.utils.tree import Node
from qupulse.utils.types import TimeType, MeasurementWindow

__all__ = ['Loop', 'make_compatible', 'MakeCompatibleWarning', 'to_waveform']

DurationStructure = Tuple[int, Union[TimeType, 'DurationStructure']]

[docs]class Loop(Node): MAX_REPR_SIZE = 2000 __slots__ = ('_waveform', '_measurements', '_repetition_definition', '_cached_body_duration') """This class represents a initialized (sub-)program as a tree. Each Loop of a valid program has a repetition count and either a waveform or a sequence of loops as children. A Loop can have associated measurements which are also repeated. """
[docs] def __init__(self, parent: Union['Loop', None] = None, children: Iterable['Loop'] = (), waveform: Optional[Waveform] = None, measurements: Optional[List[MeasurementWindow]] = None, repetition_count: Union[int, VolatileRepetitionCount] = 1): """Initialize a new loop Args: parent: Forwarded to Node.__init__ children: Forwarded to Node.__init__ waveform: "Payload" measurements: Associated measurements repetition_count: The children / waveform are repeated this often """ super().__init__(parent=parent, children=children) self._waveform = waveform self._measurements = measurements self._repetition_definition = repetition_count self._cached_body_duration = None assert isinstance(repetition_count, VolatileRepetitionCount) or is_integer(repetition_count) assert isinstance(waveform, (type(None), Waveform))
def __eq__(self, other: 'Loop') -> bool: if type(self) == type(other): return (self._repetition_definition == other._repetition_definition and self.waveform == other.waveform and (self._measurements or None) == (other._measurements or None) and len(self) == len(other) and all(self_child == other_child for self_child, other_child in zip(self, other))) else: return NotImplemented
[docs] def append_child(self, loop: Optional['Loop'] = None, **kwargs) -> None: """Append a child to this loop. Either an existing Loop object or a newly created from kwargs Args: loop: loop to append **kwargs: Child is constructed with these kwargs Raises: ValueError: if called with loop and kwargs """ if loop is not None: if kwargs: raise ValueError("Cannot pass a Loop object and Loop constructor arguments at the same time in " "append_child") arg = (loop,) else: arg = (kwargs,) super().__setitem__(slice(len(self), len(self)), arg) self._invalidate_duration(body_duration_increment=self[-1].duration)
def _invalidate_duration(self, body_duration_increment=None): if self._cached_body_duration is not None: if body_duration_increment is not None: self._cached_body_duration += body_duration_increment else: self._cached_body_duration = None if self.parent: if body_duration_increment is not None: self.parent._invalidate_duration(body_duration_increment=body_duration_increment*self.repetition_count) else: self.parent._invalidate_duration()
[docs] def add_measurements(self, measurements: Iterable[MeasurementWindow]): """Add measurements offset by the current body duration i.e. to the END of the current loop Args: measurements: Measurements to add """ body_duration = float(self.body_duration) if body_duration == 0: measurements = measurements else: measurements = ((mw_name, begin+body_duration, length) for mw_name, begin, length in measurements) if self._measurements is None: self._measurements = list(measurements) else: self._measurements.extend(measurements)
@property def waveform(self) -> Waveform: return self._waveform @waveform.setter def waveform(self, val) -> None: self._waveform = val self._invalidate_duration() @property def body_duration(self) -> TimeType: if self._cached_body_duration is None: if self.is_leaf(): if self.waveform: self._cached_body_duration = self.waveform.duration else: self._cached_body_duration = TimeType.from_fraction(0, 1) else: self._cached_body_duration = sum(child.duration for child in self) return self._cached_body_duration @property def duration(self) -> TimeType: return self.body_duration * TimeType.from_fraction(self.repetition_count, 1) @property def volatile_repetition(self) -> Optional[VolatileProperty]: return getattr(self._repetition_definition, 'volatile_property', None) @property def repetition_definition(self) -> Union[int, VolatileRepetitionCount]: return self._repetition_definition @repetition_definition.setter def repetition_definition(self, new_definition: Union[int, VolatileRepetitionCount]): self._repetition_definition = new_definition @property def repetition_count(self) -> int: return int(self._repetition_definition) @repetition_count.setter def repetition_count(self, val: int) -> None: assert isinstance(val, (int, float)) new_repetition = int(val) if abs(new_repetition - val) > 1e-10: raise ValueError('Repetition count was not an integer') self._repetition_definition = new_repetition
[docs] def unroll(self) -> None: if self.is_leaf(): raise RuntimeError('Leaves cannot be unrolled') if self.volatile_repetition: warnings.warn("Unrolling a Loop with volatile repetition count", VolatileModificationWarning) i = self.parent_index self.parent[i:i+1] = (child.copy_tree_structure(new_parent=self.parent) for _ in range(self.repetition_count) for child in self) self.parent.assert_tree_integrity()
def __setitem__(self, idx, value): super().__setitem__(idx, value) self._invalidate_duration()
[docs] def unroll_children(self) -> None: if self.volatile_repetition: warnings.warn("Unrolling a Loop with volatile repetition count", VolatileModificationWarning) old_children = self.children self[:] = (child.copy_tree_structure() for _ in range(self.repetition_count) for child in old_children) self.repetition_count = 1 self.assert_tree_integrity()
[docs] def encapsulate(self) -> None: """Add a nesting level by moving self to its children.""" self[:] = [Loop(children=self, repetition_count=self._repetition_definition, waveform=self._waveform, measurements=self._measurements)] self.repetition_count = 1 self._waveform = None self._measurements = None self.assert_tree_integrity()
def _get_str(self, first_prefix, other_prefixes) -> Generator[str, None, None]: if self.is_leaf(): yield '%sEXEC %r %d times' % (first_prefix, self._waveform, self.repetition_count) else: yield '%sLOOP %d times:' % (first_prefix, self.repetition_count) for elem in self: yield from cast(Loop, elem)._get_str(other_prefixes + ' ->', other_prefixes + ' ') @reprlib.recursive_repr() def __str__(self) -> str: str_len = 0 repr_list = [] for sub_repr in self._get_str('', ''): str_len += len(sub_repr) if self.MAX_REPR_SIZE and str_len > self.MAX_REPR_SIZE: repr_list.append('...') break else: repr_list.append(sub_repr) return '\n'.join(repr_list) @reprlib.recursive_repr() def __repr__(self): children = self.children waveform = self.waveform measurements = self._measurements repetition_count = self.repetition_count max_repr_size = self.MAX_REPR_SIZE reprs = {} if children: if len(children) < max_repr_size // len('Loop(...)'): reprs['children'] = repr(list(children)) else: reprs['children'] = '[...]' if waveform: waveform_repr = repr(waveform) if len(waveform_repr) >= max_repr_size: waveform_repr = '...' reprs['waveform'] = waveform_repr if measurements: meas_repr = repr(measurements) if len(meas_repr) >= max_repr_size: meas_repr = '[...]' reprs['measurements'] = meas_repr if repetition_count != 1: reprs['repetition_count'] = repr(repetition_count) kwargs = ', '.join(f'{attr}={val}' for attr, val in reprs.items()) type_name = type(self).__name__ max_kwargs = max(self.MAX_REPR_SIZE - len(type_name) - 2, 0) if len(kwargs) > max_kwargs: kwargs = '...' return f'{type(self).__name__}({kwargs})'
[docs] def copy_tree_structure(self, new_parent: Union['Loop', bool]=False) -> 'Loop': return type(self)(parent=self.parent if new_parent is False else new_parent, waveform=self._waveform, repetition_count=self._repetition_definition, measurements=None if self._measurements is None else list(self._measurements), children=(child.copy_tree_structure() for child in self))
def _get_measurement_windows(self, drop: bool) -> Mapping[str, np.ndarray]: """Private implementation of get_measurement_windows with a slightly different data format for easier tiling. Args: drop: Drops the measurements from the Loop i.e. the Loop will no longer have measurements attached after collecting them Returns: A dictionary (measurement_name -> array) with begin == array[:, 0] and length == array[:, 1] """ temp_meas_windows = defaultdict(list) if self._measurements: for (mw_name, begin, length) in self._measurements: temp_meas_windows[mw_name].append((begin, length)) for mw_name, begin_length_list in temp_meas_windows.items(): temp_meas_windows[mw_name] = [np.asarray(begin_length_list, dtype=float)] if drop: self._measurements = None # calculate duration together with meas windows in the same iteration if self.is_leaf(): body_duration = float(self.body_duration) else: offset = TimeType(0) for child in self: for mw_name, begins_length_array in child._get_measurement_windows(drop).items(): begins_length_array[:, 0] += float(offset) temp_meas_windows[mw_name].append(begins_length_array) offset += child.duration body_duration = float(offset) # formatting like this for easier debugging result = {} # repeat and add repetition based offset for mw_name, begin_length_list in temp_meas_windows.items(): result[mw_name] = _repeat_loop_measurements(begin_length_list, self.repetition_count, body_duration) return result
[docs] def get_measurement_windows(self, drop=False) -> Dict[str, Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]]: """Iterates over all children and collect the begin and length arrays of each measurement window. Args: drop: Drops the measurements from the Loop i.e. the Loop will no longer have measurements attached after collecting them. Returns: A dictionary (measurement_name -> (begin, length)) with begin and length being :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ return {mw_name: (begin_length_list[:, 0], begin_length_list[:, 1]) for mw_name, begin_length_list in self._get_measurement_windows(drop=drop).items()}
[docs] def split_one_child(self, child_index=None) -> None: """Take the last child that has a repetition count larger one, decrease it's repetition count and insert a copy with repetition cout one after it""" if child_index is not None: if self[child_index].repetition_count < 2: raise ValueError('Cannot split child {} as the repetition count is not larger 1') else: # we cannot reverse enumerate n_child = len(self) - 1 for reverse_idx, child in enumerate(reversed(self)): if child.repetition_count > 1: forward_idx = n_child - reverse_idx if not child.volatile_repetition: child_index = forward_idx break elif child_index is None: child_index = forward_idx else: if child_index is None: raise RuntimeError('There is no child with repetition count > 1') if self[child_index].volatile_repetition: warnings.warn("Splitting a child with volatile repetition count", VolatileModificationWarning) new_child = self[child_index].copy_tree_structure() new_child.repetition_count = 1 self[child_index].repetition_count -= 1 self[child_index+1:child_index+1] = (new_child,) self.assert_tree_integrity()
[docs] def flatten_and_balance(self, depth: int) -> None: """Modifies the program so all tree branches have the same depth. Args: depth: Target depth of the program """ i = 0 while i < len(self): # only used by type checker sub_program = cast(Loop, self[i]) if sub_program.depth() < depth - 1: # increase nesting because the subprogram is not deep enough sub_program.encapsulate() elif not sub_program.is_balanced(): # balance the sub program. We revisit it in the next iteration (no change of i ) # because it might modify self. While writing this comment I am not sure this is true. 14.01.2020 Simon sub_program.flatten_and_balance(depth - 1) elif sub_program.depth() == depth - 1: # subprogram is balanced with the correct depth i += 1 elif sub_program._has_single_child_that_can_be_merged(): # subprogram is balanced but to deep and has no measurements -> we can "lift" the sub-sub-program # TODO: There was a len(sub_sub_program) == 1 check here that I cannot explain sub_program._merge_single_child() elif not sub_program.is_leaf(): # subprogram is balanced but too deep sub_program.unroll() else: # we land in this case if the function gets called with depth == 0 and the current subprogram is a leaf i += 1
def _has_single_child_that_can_be_merged(self) -> bool: """Check if self has only once child which can cheaply be merged into self by multiplying the repetition counts. """ if len(self) == 1: child = cast(Loop, self[0]) return not self._measurements or (child.repetition_count == 1 and not child.volatile_repetition) else: return False def _merge_single_child(self): """Lift the single child to current level. Requires _has_single_child_that_can_be_merged to be true""" assert len(self) == 1, "bug: _merge_single_child called on loop with len != 1" child = cast(Loop, self[0]) # if the child has a fixed repetition count of 1 the measurements can be merged mergable_measurements = child.repetition_count == 1 and not child.volatile_repetition assert not self._measurements or mergable_measurements, "bug: _merge_single_child called on loop with measurements" assert not self._waveform, "bug: _merge_single_child called on loop with children and waveform" measurements = child._measurements if self._measurements: if measurements: measurements.extend(self._measurements) else: measurements = self._measurements if not self.volatile_repetition and not child.volatile_repetition: # simple integer multiplication repetition_definition = self.repetition_count * child.repetition_count elif not self.volatile_repetition: repetition_definition = child._repetition_definition * self.repetition_count elif not child.volatile_repetition: repetition_definition = self._repetition_definition * child.repetition_count else: # create a new expression that depends on both expression = 'parent_repetition_count * child_repetition_count' repetition_definition = VolatileRepetitionCount.operation( expression=expression, parent_repetition_count=self._repetition_definition, child_repetition_count=child._repetition_definition) self[:] = iter(child) self._waveform = child._waveform self._repetition_definition = repetition_definition self._measurements = measurements self._invalidate_duration() return True
[docs] def cleanup(self, actions=('remove_empty_loops', 'merge_single_child')): """Apply the specified actions to cleanup the Loop. remove_empty_loops: Remove loops with no children and no waveform (a DroppedMeasurementWarning is issued) merge_single_child: see `_try_merge_single_child` documentation Warnings: DroppedMeasurementWarning: Likely a bug in qupulse. TODO: investigate whether there are usecases """ if 'remove_empty_loops' in actions: new_children = [] for child in self: child = cast(Loop, child) if child.is_leaf(): if child.waveform is None: if child._measurements: warnings.warn("Dropping measurement since there is no waveform attached", category=DroppedMeasurementWarning) else: new_children.append(child) else: child.cleanup(actions) if child.waveform or not child.is_leaf(): new_children.append(child) elif child._measurements: warnings.warn("Dropping measurement since there is no waveform in children", category=DroppedMeasurementWarning) if len(self) != len(new_children): self[:] = new_children else: # only do the recursive call for child in self: child.cleanup(actions) if 'merge_single_child' in actions and self._has_single_child_that_can_be_merged(): self._merge_single_child()
[docs] def get_duration_structure(self) -> DurationStructure: """Returns a tuple that fingerprints the structure of waveform durations and repetitions of self. One possible use case is to identify repeated duration structures and reuse the same control flow with differing data. """ if self.is_leaf(): return self.repetition_count, self.waveform.duration else: return self.repetition_count, tuple(child.get_duration_structure() for child in self)
[docs] def reverse_inplace(self): if self.is_leaf(): self._waveform = self._waveform.reversed() else: self._reverse_children() for child in self: child.reverse_inplace() if self._measurements: duration = self.duration self._measurements = [ (name, duration - (begin + length), length) for name, begin, length in self._measurements ]
[docs]def to_waveform(program: Loop) -> Waveform: if program.is_leaf(): if program.repetition_count == 1: return program.waveform else: return RepetitionWaveform.from_repetition_count(program.waveform, program.repetition_count) else: if len(program) == 1: sequenced_waveform = to_waveform(cast(Loop, program[0])) else: sequenced_waveform = SequenceWaveform.from_sequence( [to_waveform(cast(Loop, sub_program)) for sub_program in program]) if program.repetition_count > 1: return RepetitionWaveform.from_repetition_count(sequenced_waveform, program.repetition_count) else: return sequenced_waveform
class _CompatibilityLevel(Enum): compatible = 0 action_required = 1 incompatible_too_short = 2 incompatible_fraction = 3 incompatible_quantum = 4 def is_incompatible(self) -> bool: return self in (self.incompatible_fraction, self.incompatible_quantum, self.incompatible_too_short) def _is_compatible(program: Loop, min_len: int, quantum: int, sample_rate: TimeType) -> _CompatibilityLevel: """ check whether program loop is compatible with awg requirements possible reasons for incompatibility: program shorter than minimum length program duration not an integer program duration not a multiple of quantum """ program_duration_in_samples = program.duration * sample_rate if program_duration_in_samples.denominator != 1: return _CompatibilityLevel.incompatible_fraction if program_duration_in_samples < min_len: return _CompatibilityLevel.incompatible_too_short if program_duration_in_samples % quantum > 0: return _CompatibilityLevel.incompatible_quantum if program.is_leaf(): waveform_duration_in_samples = program.body_duration * sample_rate if waveform_duration_in_samples < min_len or (waveform_duration_in_samples / quantum).denominator != 1: if program.volatile_repetition: warnings.warn("_is_compatible requires an action which drops volatility.", category=VolatileModificationWarning) return _CompatibilityLevel.action_required else: return _CompatibilityLevel.compatible else: if all(_is_compatible(cast(Loop, sub_program), min_len, quantum, sample_rate) == _CompatibilityLevel.compatible for sub_program in program): return _CompatibilityLevel.compatible else: if program.volatile_repetition: warnings.warn("_is_compatible requires an action which drops volatility.", category=VolatileModificationWarning) return _CompatibilityLevel.action_required def _make_compatible(program: Loop, min_len: int, quantum: int, sample_rate: TimeType) -> None: if program.is_leaf(): program.waveform = to_waveform(program.copy_tree_structure()) program.repetition_count = 1 else: comp_levels = [_is_compatible(cast(Loop, sub_program), min_len, quantum, sample_rate) for sub_program in program] if any(comp_level.is_incompatible() for comp_level in comp_levels): single_run = program.duration * sample_rate / program.repetition_count if (single_run / quantum).denominator == 1 and single_run >= min_len: # it is enough to concatenate all children new_repetition_definition = program.repetition_definition program.repetition_count = 1 else: # we need to concatenate all children and unroll new_repetition_definition = 1 program.waveform = to_waveform(program.copy_tree_structure()) program.repetition_definition = new_repetition_definition program[:] = [] return else: for sub_program, comp_level in zip(program, comp_levels): if comp_level == _CompatibilityLevel.action_required: _make_compatible(sub_program, min_len, quantum, sample_rate)
[docs]def make_compatible(program: Loop, minimal_waveform_length: int, waveform_quantum: int, sample_rate: TimeType): """ check program for compatibility to AWG requirements, make it compatible if necessary and possible""" comp_level = _is_compatible(program, min_len=minimal_waveform_length, quantum=waveform_quantum, sample_rate=sample_rate) if comp_level == _CompatibilityLevel.incompatible_fraction: raise ValueError('The program duration in samples {} is not an integer'.format(program.duration * sample_rate)) if comp_level == _CompatibilityLevel.incompatible_too_short: raise ValueError('The program is too short to be a valid waveform. \n' ' program duration in samples: {} \n' ' minimal length: {}'.format(program.duration * sample_rate, minimal_waveform_length)) if comp_level == _CompatibilityLevel.incompatible_quantum: raise ValueError('The program duration in samples {} ' 'is not a multiple of quantum {}'.format(program.duration * sample_rate, waveform_quantum)) elif comp_level == _CompatibilityLevel.action_required: warnings.warn("qupulse will now concatenate waveforms to make the pulse/program compatible with the chosen AWG." " This might take some time. If you need this pulse more often it makes sense to write it in a " "way which is more AWG friendly.", MakeCompatibleWarning) _make_compatible(program, min_len=minimal_waveform_length, quantum=waveform_quantum, sample_rate=sample_rate) else: assert comp_level == _CompatibilityLevel.compatible
def roll_constant_waveforms(program: Loop, minimal_waveform_quanta: int, waveform_quantum: int, sample_rate: TimeType): """This function finds waveforms in program that can be replaced with repetitions of shorter waveforms and replaces them. Complexity O(N_waveforms). Drops measurements because they are not correctly handled here for performance reasons. This is possible if: - The waveform is constant on all channels - waveform.duration * sample_rate / waveform_quantum has a factor that is bigger than minimal_waveform_quanta Args: program: minimal_waveform_quanta: waveform_quantum: sample_rate: Warnings: DroppedMeasurementWarning: This warning is raised if a measurement is dropped. """ if program._measurements: warnings.warn("Dropping measurements. Remove measurements before calling roll_constant_waveforms by calling" " get_measurement_windows(drop=True).", category=DroppedMeasurementWarning) program._measurements = None waveform = program.waveform if waveform is None: for child in program: roll_constant_waveforms(child, minimal_waveform_quanta, waveform_quantum, sample_rate) else: waveform_quanta = (waveform.duration * sample_rate) // waveform_quantum # example # waveform_quanta = 15 # minimal_waveform_quanta = 2 # => repetition_count = 5, new_waveform_quanta = 3 if waveform_quanta < minimal_waveform_quanta * 2: # there is no way to roll this waveform because it is too short return const_values = waveform.constant_value_dict() if const_values is None: # The waveform is not constant return new_waveform_quanta = smallest_factor_ge(waveform_quanta, min_factor=minimal_waveform_quanta) if new_waveform_quanta == waveform_quanta: # the waveform duration in samples has no suitable factor # TODO: Option to insert multiple Loop objects return additional_repetition_count = waveform_quanta // new_waveform_quanta new_waveform = ConstantWaveform.from_mapping( duration=waveform_quantum * new_waveform_quanta / sample_rate, constant_values=const_values) # use the private properties to avoid invalidating the duration cache of the parent loop program._repetition_definition = program.repetition_definition * additional_repetition_count program._waveform = new_waveform def _repeat_loop_measurements(begin_length_list: List[np.ndarray], repetition_count: int, body_duration: float ) -> np.ndarray: temp_begin_length_array = np.concatenate(begin_length_list) begin_length_array = np.tile(temp_begin_length_array, (repetition_count, 1)) shaped_begin_length_array = np.reshape(begin_length_array, (repetition_count, -1, 2)) shaped_begin_length_array[:, :, 0] += (np.arange(repetition_count) * body_duration)[:, np.newaxis] return begin_length_array
[docs]class MakeCompatibleWarning(ResourceWarning): pass
class VolatileModificationWarning(RuntimeWarning): """This warning is emitted if the colatile part of a program gets modified. This might imply that the volatile parameter cannot be change anymore.""" class DroppedMeasurementWarning(RuntimeWarning): """This warning is emitted if a measurement was dropped because there was no waveform attached."""