Source code for qupulse.pulses.arithmetic_pulse_template

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Set, Optional, Union, Mapping, FrozenSet, cast, Callable
from numbers import Real
import warnings
import operator

import sympy

from qupulse.expressions import ExpressionScalar, ExpressionLike
from qupulse.serialization import Serializer, PulseRegistryType
from qupulse.parameter_scope import Scope

from qupulse.utils import cached_property
from qupulse.utils.types import ChannelID
from qupulse.pulses.measurement import MeasurementWindow
from qupulse.pulses.pulse_template import AtomicPulseTemplate, PulseTemplate
from qupulse.program.waveforms import Waveform, ArithmeticWaveform, TransformingWaveform
from qupulse.program.transformation import Transformation, ScalingTransformation, OffsetTransformation,\

def _apply_operation_to_channel_dict(lhs: Mapping[ChannelID, Any],
                                     rhs: Mapping[ChannelID, Any],
                                     operator_both: Optional[Callable[[Any, Any], Any]],
                                     rhs_only: Optional[Callable[[Any], Any]]
                                     ) -> Dict[ChannelID, Any]:
    result = dict(lhs)
    for channel, rhs_value in rhs.items():
        if channel in result:
            result[channel] = operator_both(result[channel], rhs_value)
            result[channel] = rhs_only(rhs_value)
    return result

[docs]class ArithmeticAtomicPulseTemplate(AtomicPulseTemplate):
[docs] def __init__(self, lhs: AtomicPulseTemplate, arithmetic_operator: str, rhs: AtomicPulseTemplate, *, silent_atomic: bool = False, measurements: List = None, identifier: str = None, registry: PulseRegistryType = None): """Apply an operation (+ or -) channel wise to two atomic pulse templates. Channels only present in one pulse template have the operations neutral element on the other. The operations are defined in `ArithmeticWaveform.operator_map`. Non-atomic pulse templates are implicitly interpreted as atomic. Args: lhs: Left hand side operand arithmetic_operator: String representation of the operator rhs: Right hand side operand measurements: See AtomicPulseTemplate identifier: See AtomicPulseTemplate registry: See qupulse.serialization.PulseRegistry """ super().__init__(identifier=identifier, measurements=measurements) if arithmetic_operator not in ArithmeticWaveform.operator_map: raise ValueError('Unknown operator. allowed: %r' % set(ArithmeticWaveform.operator_map.keys())) if lhs.duration != rhs.duration: warnings.warn("The operands have unequal expressions for their duration. " "If they evaluate to different values on instantiation this will result in an error. " "(%r != %r) for ALL inputs " "(it may be unequal only for fringe cases)" % (lhs.duration, rhs.duration), category=UnequalDurationWarningInArithmeticPT) if not silent_atomic and not (lhs._is_atomic() and rhs._is_atomic()): warnings.warn("ArithmeticAtomicPulseTemplate treats all operands as if they are atomic. " "You can silence this warning by passing `silent_atomic=True` or by ignoring this category.", category=ImplicitAtomicityInArithmeticPT) self._lhs = lhs self._rhs = rhs self._arithmetic_operator = arithmetic_operator self._register(registry=registry)
@property def lhs(self): return self._lhs @property def rhs(self): return self._rhs @property def arithmetic_operator(self) -> str: return self._arithmetic_operator @property def defined_channels(self): return self.lhs.defined_channels | self.rhs.defined_channels @property def parameter_names(self): return self.lhs.parameter_names | self.rhs.parameter_names @property def measurement_names(self): return super().measurement_names.union(self.lhs.measurement_names, self.rhs.measurement_names) @property def duration(self) -> ExpressionScalar: """Duration of the lhs operand if it is larger zero. Else duration of the rhs.""" return ExpressionScalar(sympy.Max(self.lhs.duration, self.rhs.duration)) def _apply_operation(self, lhs: Mapping[str, Any], rhs: Mapping[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: operator_both = ArithmeticWaveform.operator_map[self._arithmetic_operator] rhs_only = ArithmeticWaveform.rhs_only_map[self._arithmetic_operator] return _apply_operation_to_channel_dict(lhs, rhs, operator_both=operator_both, rhs_only=rhs_only) @property def integral(self) -> Dict[ChannelID, ExpressionScalar]: # this is a guard for possible future changes assert self._arithmetic_operator in ('+', '-'), \ f"Integral not correctly implemented for '{self._arithmetic_operator}'" return self._apply_operation(self.lhs.integral, self.rhs.integral) def _as_expression(self) -> Dict[ChannelID, ExpressionScalar]: return self._apply_operation(self.lhs._as_expression(), self.rhs._as_expression()) @property def initial_values(self) -> Dict[ChannelID, ExpressionScalar]: return self._apply_operation(self.lhs.initial_values, self.rhs.initial_values) @property def final_values(self) -> Dict[ChannelID, ExpressionScalar]: return self._apply_operation(self.lhs.final_values, self.rhs.final_values)
[docs] def build_waveform(self, parameters: Dict[str, Real], channel_mapping: Dict[ChannelID, Optional[ChannelID]]) -> Optional[Waveform]: lhs = self.lhs.build_waveform(parameters=parameters, channel_mapping=channel_mapping) rhs = self.rhs.build_waveform(parameters=parameters, channel_mapping=channel_mapping) if rhs is None: return lhs if lhs is None: return ArithmeticWaveform.rhs_only_map[self.arithmetic_operator](rhs) else: return ArithmeticWaveform.from_operator(lhs, self.arithmetic_operator, rhs)
[docs] def get_measurement_windows(self, parameters: Dict[str, Real], measurement_mapping: Dict[str, Optional[str]]) -> List[MeasurementWindow]: import inspect if not getattr(inspect.getmodule(inspect.stack()[1][0]), '__name__', '').startswith('qupulse'): warnings.warn("This is only a hack until is resolved. " "Do not call this method directly", category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) measurements = super().get_measurement_windows(parameters=parameters, measurement_mapping=measurement_mapping) measurements.extend(self.lhs.get_measurement_windows(parameters=parameters, measurement_mapping=measurement_mapping)) measurements.extend(self.rhs.get_measurement_windows(parameters=parameters, measurement_mapping=measurement_mapping)) return measurements
[docs] def get_serialization_data(self, serializer: Optional[Serializer] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]: data = super().get_serialization_data(serializer) data['rhs'] = self.rhs data['lhs'] = self.lhs data['arithmetic_operator'] = self.arithmetic_operator if serializer: raise NotImplementedError('Compatibility to old serialization routines not implemented for new type') if self.measurement_declarations: data['measurements'] = self.measurement_declarations return data
def __repr__(self): if any(v for k, v in super().get_serialization_data().items() if k != '#type'): return super().__repr__() else: return '(%r %r %r)' % (self.lhs, self.arithmetic_operator, self.rhs)
[docs] @classmethod def deserialize(cls, serializer: Optional[Serializer] = None, **kwargs) -> 'ArithmeticAtomicPulseTemplate': if serializer: raise NotImplementedError('Compatibility to old serialization routines not implemented for new type') return cls(**kwargs)
[docs]class ArithmeticPulseTemplate(PulseTemplate):
[docs] def __init__(self, lhs: Union[PulseTemplate, ExpressionLike, Mapping[ChannelID, ExpressionLike]], arithmetic_operator: str, rhs: Union[PulseTemplate, ExpressionLike, Mapping[ChannelID, ExpressionLike]], *, identifier: Optional[str] = None, registry: PulseRegistryType = None): """Implements the arithmetics between an aribrary pulse template and scalar values. The values can be the same for all channels, channel specific or only for a subset of the inner pulse templates defined channels. The expression may be time dependent if the pulse template is atomic. A channel dependent scalar is represented by a mapping of ChannelID -> Expression. The allowed operations are: scalar + pulse_template scalar - pulse_template scalar * pulse_template pulse_template + scalar pulse_template - scalar pulse_template * scalar pulse_template / scalar Args: lhs: Left hand side operand arithmetic_operator: String representation of the operator rhs: Right hand side operand identifier: Identifier used for serialization Raises: TypeError: If both or none of the operands are pulse templates or if there is a time dependent expression and a composite pulse template. ValueError: If the scalar is a mapping and contains channels that are not defined on the pulse template. """ PulseTemplate.__init__(self, identifier=identifier) if not isinstance(lhs, PulseTemplate) and not isinstance(rhs, PulseTemplate): raise TypeError('At least one of the operands needs to be a pulse template.') elif not isinstance(lhs, PulseTemplate) and isinstance(rhs, PulseTemplate): # +, - and * with (scalar, PT) if arithmetic_operator not in ('+', '-', '*'): raise ValueError('Operands (scalar, PulseTemplate) require an operator from {+, -, *}') scalar = lhs = self._parse_operand(lhs, rhs.defined_channels) pulse_template = rhs elif isinstance(lhs, PulseTemplate) and not isinstance(rhs, PulseTemplate): # +, -, *, / and // with (PT, scalar) if arithmetic_operator not in ('+', '-', '*', '/'): raise ValueError('Operands (PulseTemplate, scalar) require an operator from {+, -, *, /}') scalar = rhs = self._parse_operand(rhs, lhs.defined_channels) pulse_template = lhs else: # + and - with (AtomicPulseTemplate, AtomicPulseTemplate) as operands raise TypeError('ArithmeticPulseTemplate cannot combine two PulseTemplates') self._lhs = lhs self._rhs = rhs self._pulse_template: PulseTemplate = pulse_template self._scalar = scalar self._arithmetic_operator = arithmetic_operator if not self._pulse_template._is_atomic() and _is_time_dependent(self._scalar): raise TypeError("A time dependent ArithmeticPulseTemplate scalar operand currently requires an atomic " "pulse template as the other operand.", self) if self._pulse_template._is_atomic(): # this is a hack so we can use the AtomicPulseTemplate.integral default implementation self._AS_EXPRESSION_TIME = AtomicPulseTemplate._AS_EXPRESSION_TIME self._register(registry=registry)
@staticmethod def _parse_operand(operand: Union[ExpressionLike, Mapping[ChannelID, ExpressionLike]], channels: Set[ChannelID]) -> Union[ExpressionScalar, Mapping[ChannelID, ExpressionScalar]]: """Transforms operand or all entries of operand to ExpressionScalar Args: operand: operands to transforms channels: Guard against non defined channels Raises: ValueError if a channel is in the operand that is not in channels Returns: A dict with ExpressionScalar values or an ExpressionScalar """ if isinstance(operand, Mapping): missing_in_channels = operand.keys() - channels if missing_in_channels: raise ValueError('The channels {} are defined in the operand but not in the pulse template.'.format( missing_in_channels)) operand = {channel: value if isinstance(value, ExpressionScalar) else ExpressionScalar(value) for channel, value in operand.items()} return operand else: return operand if isinstance(operand, ExpressionScalar) else ExpressionScalar(operand) def _get_scalar_value(self, parameters: Mapping[str, Real], channel_mapping: Mapping[str, Optional[str]]) -> Dict[ChannelID, Real]: """Generate a dict of real values from the scalar operand. If the scalar operand is an ExpressionScalar all channels with non None values in channel_mapping get the same output. If the scalar operand is a Mapping only those mapped to non None are in the output Args: parameters: channel_mapping: Returns: The evaluation of the scalar operand for all relevant channels """ def _evaluate(value: ExpressionScalar): return value._evaluate_to_time_dependent(parameters) if isinstance(self._scalar, ExpressionScalar): scalar_value = _evaluate(self._scalar) return {channel_mapping[channel]: scalar_value for channel in self._pulse_template.defined_channels if channel_mapping[channel]} else: return {channel_mapping[channel]: _evaluate(value) for channel, value in self._scalar.items() if channel_mapping[channel]} def _as_expression(self): atomic = cast(AtomicPulseTemplate, self._pulse_template) as_expression = atomic._as_expression() scalar = self._scalar_as_dict() for ch, value in scalar.items(): if 't' in value.variables: scalar[ch] = value.evaluate_symbolic({'t': self._AS_EXPRESSION_TIME}) return self._apply_operation_to_channel_dict(as_expression, scalar) @property def lhs(self): return self._lhs @property def rhs(self): return self._rhs def _get_transformation(self, parameters: Mapping[str, Real], channel_mapping: Mapping[ChannelID, ChannelID]) -> Transformation: transformation = IdentityTransformation() scalar_value = self._get_scalar_value(parameters=parameters, channel_mapping=channel_mapping) if self._pulse_template is self._rhs: if self._arithmetic_operator == '-': # negate the pulse template transformation = transformation.chain( ScalingTransformation({channel_mapping[ch]: -1 for ch in self.defined_channels if channel_mapping[ch]})) else: if self._arithmetic_operator == '-': for channel, value in scalar_value.items(): scalar_value[channel] = -value elif self._arithmetic_operator == '/': for channel, value in scalar_value.items(): scalar_value[channel] = 1/value if self._arithmetic_operator in ('+', '-'): return transformation.chain( OffsetTransformation(scalar_value) ) else: return transformation.chain( ScalingTransformation(scalar_value) ) def _internal_create_program(self, *, scope: Scope, measurement_mapping: Dict[str, Optional[str]], channel_mapping: Dict[ChannelID, Optional[ChannelID]], global_transformation: Optional[Transformation], to_single_waveform: Set[Union[str, 'PulseTemplate']], parent_loop: 'Loop'): """The operation is applied by modifying the transformation the pulse template operand sees.""" if not scope.get_volatile_parameters().keys().isdisjoint(self._scalar_operand_parameters): raise NotImplementedError('The scalar operand of arithmetic pulse template cannot be volatile') # put arithmetic into transformation inner_transformation = self._get_transformation(parameters=scope, channel_mapping=channel_mapping) transformation = inner_transformation.chain(global_transformation) self._pulse_template._create_program(scope=scope, measurement_mapping=measurement_mapping, channel_mapping=channel_mapping, global_transformation=transformation, to_single_waveform=to_single_waveform, parent_loop=parent_loop)
[docs] def build_waveform(self, parameters: Dict[str, Real], channel_mapping: Dict[ChannelID, ChannelID]) -> Optional[Waveform]: pt = cast(AtomicPulseTemplate, self._pulse_template) inner_waveform = pt.build_waveform(parameters=parameters, channel_mapping=channel_mapping) if inner_waveform is None: return None # put arithmetic into transformation transformation = self._get_transformation(parameters=parameters, channel_mapping=channel_mapping) return TransformingWaveform.from_transformation(inner_waveform, transformation=transformation)
def __repr__(self): if any(v for k, v in super().get_serialization_data().items() if k != '#type'): return super().__repr__() else: return '(%r %s %r)' % (self.lhs, self._arithmetic_operator, self.rhs)
[docs] def get_serialization_data(self, serializer: Optional['Serializer'] = None) -> Dict: if serializer: raise NotImplementedError('Compatibility to old serialization routines not implemented for new type') data = super().get_serialization_data() data['rhs'] = self.rhs data['lhs'] = self.lhs data['arithmetic_operator'] = self._arithmetic_operator return data
@property def defined_channels(self): return self._pulse_template.defined_channels @property def duration(self) -> ExpressionScalar: return self._pulse_template.duration def _scalar_as_dict(self) -> Dict[ChannelID, ExpressionScalar]: if isinstance(self._scalar, ExpressionScalar): return {channel: self._scalar for channel in self.defined_channels} else: return dict(self._scalar) @property def integral(self) -> Dict[ChannelID, ExpressionScalar]: if _is_time_dependent(self._scalar): # use the superclass implementation that relies on _as_expression return AtomicPulseTemplate.integral.fget(self) integral = {channel: value.sympified_expression for channel, value in self._pulse_template.integral.items()} scalar = self._scalar_as_dict() if self._arithmetic_operator in ('+', '-'): for ch, value in scalar.items(): scalar[ch] = value * self.duration.sympified_expression return self._apply_operation_to_channel_dict(integral, scalar) def _apply_operation_to_channel_dict(self, pt_values: Dict[ChannelID, ExpressionScalar], scalar_values: Dict[ChannelID, ExpressionScalar]): operator_map = { '+': operator.add, '-': operator.sub, '/': operator.truediv, '*': operator.mul } rhs_only_map = { '+': operator.pos, '-': operator.neg, '*': lambda x: x, '/': lambda x: 1 / x } if self._pulse_template is self.lhs: lhs, rhs = pt_values, scalar_values else: lhs, rhs = scalar_values, pt_values # cannot divide by pulse templates operator_map.pop('/') rhs_only_map.pop('/') operator_both = operator_map.get(self._arithmetic_operator, None) rhs_only = rhs_only_map.get(self._arithmetic_operator, None) return _apply_operation_to_channel_dict(lhs, rhs, operator_both=operator_both, rhs_only=rhs_only) @property def initial_values(self) -> Dict[ChannelID, ExpressionScalar]: return self._apply_operation_to_channel_dict( self._pulse_template.initial_values, self._scalar_as_dict() ) @property def final_values(self) -> Dict[ChannelID, ExpressionScalar]: return self._apply_operation_to_channel_dict( self._pulse_template.final_values, self._scalar_as_dict() ) @property def measurement_names(self) -> Set[str]: return self._pulse_template.measurement_names @cached_property def _scalar_operand_parameters(self) -> FrozenSet[str]: if isinstance(self._scalar, dict): return frozenset(variable for value in self._scalar.values() for variable in value.variables) - {'t'} else: return frozenset(self._scalar.variables) - {'t'} @property def parameter_names(self) -> Set[str]: return self._pulse_template.parameter_names.union(self._scalar_operand_parameters)
[docs] def get_measurement_windows(self, parameters: Dict[str, Real], measurement_mapping: Dict[str, Optional[str]]) -> List[MeasurementWindow]: measurements = [] if isinstance(self.lhs, PulseTemplate): measurements.extend(self.lhs.get_measurement_windows(parameters=parameters, measurement_mapping=measurement_mapping)) if isinstance(self.rhs, PulseTemplate): measurements.extend(self.rhs.get_measurement_windows(parameters=parameters, measurement_mapping=measurement_mapping)) return measurements
def _is_atomic(self): return self._pulse_template._is_atomic()
[docs]def try_operation(lhs: Union[PulseTemplate, ExpressionLike, Mapping[ChannelID, ExpressionLike]], op: str, rhs: Union[PulseTemplate, ExpressionLike, Mapping[ChannelID, ExpressionLike]], **kwargs) -> Union['ArithmeticPulseTemplate', type(NotImplemented)]: """ Args: lhs: Left hand side operand op: String representation of the operator rhs: Right hand side operand **kwargs: Forwarded to class init Returns: ArithmeticPulseTemplate if the desired operation is valid and returns a pulse template NotImplemented otherwise """ try: # returns if only one of the operands is a pulse template and the operation is valid return ArithmeticPulseTemplate(lhs, op, rhs, **kwargs) except TypeError: # either none or both are pulse templates try: return ArithmeticAtomicPulseTemplate(lhs, op, rhs, **kwargs) except ValueError: # invalid operand return NotImplemented except ValueError: # invalid operand return NotImplemented
def _is_time_dependent(scalar: Union[ExpressionScalar, Dict[str, ExpressionScalar]]) -> bool: if isinstance(scalar, dict): return any('t' in value.variables for value in scalar.values()) else: return 't' in scalar.variables
[docs]class UnequalDurationWarningInArithmeticPT(RuntimeWarning): """Signals that an ArithmeticAtomicPulseTemplate was constructed from operands with unequal duration. This is a separate class to allow easy silencing."""
[docs]class ImplicitAtomicityInArithmeticPT(RuntimeWarning): """Signals that an ArithmeticAtomicPulseTemplate has operands that are non-atomic but will be interpreted as atomic. This is a separate class to allow easy silencing. """