.. _examples: Examples ======== All examples are provided as static text in this documentation and, additionally, as interactive jupyter notebooks accessible by running ``jupyter notebook`` in the ``/doc/source/examples`` directory of the source tree. .. toctree:: :caption: Pulse template types :name: pt_types 00SimpleTablePulse 00AdvancedTablePulse 00FunctionPulse 00PointPulse 00ComposedPulses 00ConstantPulseTemplate 00MultiChannelTemplates 00MappingTemplate 00AbstractPulseTemplate 00ArithmeticWithPulseTemplates 00RetrospectiveConstantChannelAddition 00TimeReversal .. toctree:: :caption: Pulse template features :name: pt_feat 01PulseStorage 01Measurements 01ParameterConstraints .. toctree:: :caption: Physically motivated examples :name: physical_examples 03SnakeChargeScan 03FreeInductionDecayExample 03GateConfigurationExample 03DynamicNuclearPolarisation .. toctree:: :caption: Pulse playback related examples :name: hardware_examples 02CreatePrograms The ``/doc/source/examples`` directory also contains some outdated examples for features and functionality that has been changed. These examples start with an underscore i.e. ``_*.ipynb`` and are currently left only for reference purposes. If you are just learning how to get around in qupulse please ignore them.