2.6. The ConstantPulseTemplate: Efficient constant voltage description.ΒΆ

The ConstantPulseTemplate(or short ConstantPT) can be used to define pulse templates with all channels a constant value. The template is easy to define and allows backends to optimize the waveforms on an AWG.

from qupulse.pulses import ConstantPT

constant_template = ConstantPT(10, {'A': 1., 'B': 'b * 0.1'})

{'B', 'A'}
{'A': ExpressionScalar('10.0000000000000'), 'B': ExpressionScalar('1.0*b')}

The pulse template has two channels.

from qupulse.pulses.plotting import plot

_ = plot(constant_template, parameters={'b': 2.2}, sample_rate=100)